Another Riddle Chapter 2

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A/N please vote and comment and fan! Anything italicized is Trixy's thoughts when being sorted.                 ************************************************************************************************************

"Its so beautiful!" I gasped staring up at the massive castle. I heard other students from the different boats mummer similar thoughts.

"Its so big." Harry said as he stared up at the school. "How on earth do they expect us to get to class on time?"

"Oh, I'm sure they give you plenty of time to move from one class to the next." Hermione said reassuringly. 

"I hope so, I think my mom might kill me if she finds me skipping classes, lost or not." Ron joined the conversation.

"I'm sure that the fact that Fred and George arn't dead yet means she won't kill you. I'm very positive that they HAVE skipped some classes in there time at this school and not because they were lost." I told him while smirking a bit thinking about some of the things Fred and George did while cutting class. Soon we were at the unloading docks and headed up to big double doors at the entrance to the castle. After walking up some steps we were crowded into a small unused class room.

"All right Students," A tall, strict looking witch said. "I'm Professor McGonagall. In a moment you will be sorted in to one of four houses. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Gryffindor. You can win and lose house points for your behavior, the house with the most points wins the house cup at the end of the year." I felt bad for whatever house would get me, if any, I would most likely be losing points every day. Professor McGonagall left us soon after saying that she would get us when they were ready in the great hall.

"So it looks like Potter has come to Hogwarts," Draco sneered and took a look at Ron. " A old robe, and red hair. You must be a Weasley.," He scoffed," Soon, Potter, you'll find that some family's are better than others. I will help you there."

Right before I was going to speak up and tell Draco to shut his trap, Harry spoke up. 

"Thanks, but no thanks." I swear Draco looked like he had just been hit over the head with a frying pan. Once he realised that he was just standing there, Draco Malfoy gave his head shake and swiftly walked back to his behemoth friends.

Soon the Professor came back and we were told to get into two lines and follow her in to the Great Hall. "Trixy can I see you a second?" I nodded and walked up to her.  "We will be sorting you last. Is that ok?"

"Sure." To be honest, I couldn't care if I was being sorted first or alone or what, I never had any opinion about anything other than people and that's after I get to know them for a while like the Twins and Malfoy.

"Thank you, now you can get back in line with your friends." Professor McGonagall told me as she was headed to the front of the line to lead the First Years into the Great Hall.

"What was that about?" Ron asked from in front of me. 

"Nothing really just if I would mind getting sorted last." 

"Yeah make the rest of us look like fools by beating your troll with one hand tied behind  your back." He muttered half to me half to him self. Hermione turned to me and mouthed 'Troll?'. 

'Prank on him by his brothers.' I mouthed back. She seamed to understand because she frowned. Once we got into the great hall we went quite and most of the kids looked up at the celling. It looked like the night sky with floating candles.

"It's not really the night sky the ceiling just bewitched to look like one." Hermione muttered to Harry, Ron, and me.

"Attention everyone," Professor McGonagall started. "when I call your name I want you to come up to the front and put the sorting hat on. Hannah Abbott!". A nervous looking girl with blonde hair came up to the stool the  hat debated about 45 seconds. You could catch something audible every once in a while then it shouted "Hufflepuff!" Making some first years jump.

Hannah ran over to the loudest clapping table. It was second from the far right. Other students were sorted all in alphabetical order and I noticed that it took different amounts of time for each student to be sorted also you could hear some of the things that the hat said on certain people compared to different people. Soon it was Hermione's turn and you could hear her muttering to herself almost the whole way up.The hat was just loud enough that the people in the front of the room could hear it. The hat was contemplating placing her into Ravenclaw because of her bright mind or Gryffindor because of her brave heart. In the end she got into Gryffindor.

When it was Malfoy's turn, it only took the hat half of a  second to shout, "Slytherin!". Ron was next and you could hear the hat talk about his family and how they were all Gryffindors the hat seemed to have no reserves about speaking so the whole Hall could hear and it wasen't mutch of a supprise when he was placed in Gryffindor.

"Harry Potter!" The Professor called. The whole Hall suddenly broke out into whispers about him and what house he would be placed into. Most everyone thought that he would be in Gryffindor, but the Slytherins still looked hopeful. The hat took a long time with Harry and apparently the older students thought so too. After several minutes he was placed in Gryffindor. He hopped down from the stool and ran towards Gryffindor. He took a seat right next to Ron. 

After all the first years were sorted it was my turn. "Trixy Riddle!" Some of the teachers looked shocked for a minute, I was expcting this because of my father.

"Trixy, good to meet you," the hat whisperer like it did with Harry. "Intersing, very intersing."

'Whats intersing?' 

" You're perfect for both Slytherin and Gryffindor."

'Is that rare?'

 "Yes very rare."

'How many times has it happened?

"Twice including you. Do you have a preference of a house?"

I thought for a moment then realised my answer was 'No.'   

"Dumbledore!" The headmaster rose and made it's way down to the hat.

'What happened?' I thought to the hat.

"I've never encountered someone with out an opinion and I think all the students want to eat while we get the situation figured out." He told me. Luckily Dumbledore heard the last part and didn't ask any questions instead he addressed the poor confused students.

"Our dear sorting hat is confused by our new Miss. Riddle. Professor McGonagall if you would kindly take over for me while we address this problem. Professor Snape if you would follow us into my office so we can sort this out in privet. Good Night students I will Introduce myself tomorrow at breakfast." He nodded took the hat off of my head and lead me to his office, Professor Snape a shorter wizard with greasy black hair and a scowl on his face, followed us.

                ***3rd person Great Hall***

Whispers suddenly erupted in the Great Hall "The sorting hat confused?" "Has this ever happened?" "Whats going on?"

"Attention students!" All the students instantly got silent. Luckily she heard what Dumeldore had, so she wasn't completely clueless on what happened. "The sorting hat is confused our new transfer student, Trixy Riddle, who seams to be perfect for more than one house and has absolutely no bias against any of them." the whispers broke out again "How could someone not care about what house they would get into?" "I would always care about what house I would be in, like if i was in Slytherin I would die."

"Students! Now if you would be so kind as to listen to me for five minutes, then you can converse at dinner. Thank you. Now This has never happened before and will probably never happen again. Now Mr.Filch has asked Dumeldore to tell you a few things, but as he is busy i will tell you instead. The third floor in the west wing is off limits to all students who want to live to see next year. First years and older students please remember that the Forbidden Forest is in fact forbidden. Now let the feast Begin."                                                                  


A/N Thanks for reading thus far!!!!!!!!

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                 - AurorMist

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