Another Riddle Chapter 5

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I awoke to the morning sun creeping in threw the window, as I sat up I saw everyone was still asleep. I got up and tried to keep quiet as I grabbed my clothes for the day and hoped into the bathroom for a five minute shower. Once I get out of the bathroom all dried and changed, twelve minutes latter, the other girls are starting to get up.

"Hi I'm Angelina Johnson, and this is Grace Turner, and that is Leah Allen." She said pointing at each of the girls in turn. Grace was a small girl, with long straight brown hair, and looked to be on the shy side. On the other hand Leah seamed to be a sporty out going girl. She had a blonde razor cut hair style. Angelina had dark black hair that complemented her black skin. She and Leah both seamed to be sporty.

"Oh, hi, I'm," 

"Trixy right? That was some sorting, so you got placed in Gryffindor after all. In all the years Hogwarts has been around I don't think that has happened before." Angelina said again cutting me off.

"Yeah its Trixy. Did I wake you?" I said purposefully avoiding the whole sorting issue. 

"No you diden't. It's nice to meet you by the way, I'm Grace."

"I always felt like we needed another person in that lonely bed in the corner. And allow me to be the first in this room to formally welcome you to Gryffindor." Leah added. 

"No, I welcomed her to Gryffindor first!" Angelina stated starting a playful argument. I think I will jump in soon just for fun, and maybe drag Grace into the argument, which I feel that she never gets into.

"Nuh yuh, all you said was 'you got placed in Gryffindor', not 'welcome to Gryffindor." Leah countered snarkly.

"Sure sure, where's the proof, hum?" 

"Right here!" Yours truly said pointing at Grace, who shrunk  even more in her bed - if that was even possible. Both girls turned to Grace waiting for her judgement.

"Why did you get me involved with this? I spend my life keeping away from these petty fights." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, if there so petty, enlighten us with your opinion. Who welcomed me to Gryffindor first?"

"Yeah Grace who did welcome Trixy to Gryffindor fist, me or Leah?" 

"Well like Leah said," Grace started. "she did directly welcome Trixy to Griffindor, while you only acknowledged that Trixy was in Gryffindor. And let me be the second to welcome you, Trixy, into Gryffindor."

"Thank you Grace. I'd say you got your proof Angelina. Now that wasn't so bad was it Grace, you diden't get cursed or killed or shunned. Good fun argument. Now," I clapped my hands once in a peppy way, "who wants food?"


 These girls and I got together so well, like we had know each other for years. They gave me incite on some of the students and teachers. All the different classes. Passageways stair cases, gossip. Where they left off in lesions last year. Old boyfriends, new crushes, etc.

I was so filled with information and it's only 8:15 in the morning! When we got to the common room I told the girls to save me a spot at the table and went to go talk to the 'twins'.

"Hello Trixy, how was your night?"

"Good, George?" I guessed.

"Nice try but its actually Fred." I laughed, finally finding a darn difference between the two boys. George was defiantly more annoying. OK that and he was just a hair shorter than Fred.

"No your not, your George and you," I said pointing at 'George', "are Fred."

"Nope, Trixy, I'm George. Gosh Fred she's almost as bad as mum." said Fred keeping up the act.

"Nah Mum has known us longer she hasn't. But your right George she's getting there." OK I let them have fun, now time to shock them with my analytical skills.

"Having fun comparing me with you mum Fred? By the way George thanks for bringing that up." According to their faces most people would of bought it and then they would be laughing right now and running away for tricking them.

"How did you know that? Most people would buy it, and we would be running away before we would get into trouble." Nailed it!!!!!!!

"Oh well George is more annoying, and is a hair shorter than you Fred." With that I skipped away to the great hall for breakfast.


Thanks for reading and I'm SUPER sorry about the late posting.




And Have A Milk Shake


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