Chapter 2 - Blue Eyes

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Rejection and Ignorance are two things I haven't experienced much in my seventeen years of existence. So I am really confused of what actually I am being right now. Rejected or ignored.

It has been more than a week since that night, the night he texted back. I have texted him again after that, but he never even saw them, forget about replying.

I know I should stop as he seems not to be interested in me but I just can't help but feel curious about him.In the past week, I have got to know some things about him from Ashley but I want to know more. He seems really moody but mysterious at the same time. What am I getting myself into? I have no idea.

"So are you guys going to the party tonight at Anna's house?" Ashley asks, as we were chatting in the cafeteria.

"Hell yeah. I heard Anna's hot brother who is in college is going to be there. There is no way I am not going." Stella exclaims, excitedly. Stella is the flirty type in our group and the most outgoing one. She can have any guy wrap around her finger with her charms.

"I am only going for the free alcohol." Josh says, running a hand through his hair.

"And hot chicks." I say, wiggling my eyebrows.

"You got that right, bud." Adrien says as he puts an arm around my shoulder. "Also I wouldn't want to miss seeing the hot version of you." He winks at me.

"Shut up, Adrien." I roll my eyes at him then slap his arm which is around my shoulder.

"Ow. Say no to violence women." He rubs the place in his hand where I slapped and I stick my tongue out at him.

"But are you coming? I thought you had a assignment due tomorrow. " Josh asks shifting his attention to me.

"I have already done it. So yeah I'm coming." I say then take a bite from my cheese burger.

"Great, can't wait to see you later." Adrien says, nudging me with his elbows. This guy will never change. Sigh.

* * *

"So did your prince charming ever replied?" Ashley leans against the locker beside me.

I shake my head no, putting the last book in the locker then close it.

"Didn't even see your text?" She asks, raising one eyebrow.

"Nope." I say as I face her." And it's okay. It's just a simple crush, I'll get over it eventually." I shrug before popping a chewing gum in my mouth.

"Yeah. Screw boys, they're messed up. Anyways, I am coming over to your house tonight to get ready for the party, you know that right?" She asks, fixing her bag straps, ready to go.

"Yupp." I reply popping the p.

"Dude, it's gonna be awesome. We are going to look smoking." She chirps happily as we walk through the hallway towards the exit.

"What the hell?" Ashley's eyes widen as we reach where her car is parked in the parking lot and which is now covered with different colours starting from black to white.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Brittany and her friends laughing, pointing at our direction. Those bitches.

"I bet Brittany did this." Ashley   says angrily also understanding who's is the culprit. Well, it's obvious.

Brittany and her friends belong to the Queen bee crew more like Queen Bitch actually. Although they are popular and shit still they have problem with us for some reason.

"Don't react. That's what they want. For you to react badly." I whisper to her and try to calm her down.

"Woah! That looks awful." Adrien suddenly comes out of nowhere and stand behind us, scrunching his nose.

"Duh." Ashley still looks extremely pissed.

"If you guys want I can give you two a ride home." Adrien offers like the gentleman he is.

"Actually that would be two rides, Adrien." I point out.

"Whatever." Adrien shrugs then leads the way to his car. Ashley  calls dibs on the shotgun so that leaves me to sit in the back sit.

I extend my hand to open the back door but Adrien beats me to it and open it for me.

"On your service, Madame." He grins up at me.

"Why, thank you kind sir." I fake British accent although I am horrible at it and get in.

Now, you must be wondering what is going on between me and Adrien. The answer is nothing. Even I had my doubts once so I asked him straightforwardly. He just laughed it out saying where did I get that idea from. Adrien is just like that, he is always teasing and flirting with people he is comfortable with.

* * *

We were about two blocks away from Anna's house and I can already hear the music blasting from here. Is she giving out invitation to the police.

"Shit! This party must be huge."   says as we near Anna's house.

"Yeah." I say absent mindedly as I check my hair in the rear view mirror for the last time.

We reach Anna's house in no time. Not house actually, it's a freaking mansion. Damn, they must be loaded.

The sound of music and smell of alcohol hits my ear blades and nostrils hard as we enter the house. To be honest, going to a party do not seem exciting nowadays. I mean, it's all same in every party. Music, alcohol, sweaty people dancing and making out here and there and for some people it can be a place of biggest regret of their life.

We get greeted by a bunch of people on our way to the kitchen to the get drinks and Ashley  gets engrossed in a conversation with girl from our History class. So I decide to go on my own.

Opening the fridge, I bow down and look at my options. And don't worry I am not wearing a short dress or skirt so there is no chance of flushing someone anything.

I decide to go with a beer and extend my hand to grab it when I feel something cold rolling down my back. I groan in annoyance when i realize what has actually happened. Great, some drunk idiot poured down alcohol on me.

I put the beer back into the fridge and turn around, to come face to face with a pair of blue eyes.


So here's the second chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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