Infernal: Recovery

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*birds chirping*






Kuroko groaned as he felt the sunlight hit his face. He sits up and yawned while remembering the past event.






Begging for forgiveness.

It was all what he could hear. The people that rebelled upon him were currently turning into ashes in the punishing flames of hell.

"Forgive me if I am late, Tetsuya. But after what happened tonight. I'm afraid I cannot simply leave you anymore." Akashi, the red demon emperor carried the teal head in his arms and brought him to sleep.

He was slowly dozing off but before everything went into darkness, the demon occured snow in the sky.

—current time—

"You're awake. " Kuroko turns his attention to the demon emperor, standing by the balcony.

". . . ." The teal head didn't know what to say or ask but instead he tried to get out of the bed.

He felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom.

Akashi follows him and silently assisted him.

Kuroko never felt so sick before. He raises his head and saw his hair grew longer and reached the waist .

"W–What? ...who?" He touches the mirror then felt a warm towel wipe his mouth.

He turns his head and saw the demon emperor in the flesh wiping his mouth.

"I suggest that you should lay in bed for now. I already called Shintaro, your doctor earlier and said he'd be here in a moment." Akashi said.

Many questions where lingering inside Kuroko's mind but because of the remaining sick feeling, he complied with the red emperor's suggestion.

2 Hours passed and Midorima arrives then performs a check up on the teal head.

The doctor and red emperor left Kuroko alone for a while





" AKASHI!! Tetsuya's current situation is in great danger if you continue your mission! I would like to propose that you must return to the underworld instead and let the boy live peacefully!." 

Midorima exclaimed as soon as they reached a different room.

"That is one of the reasons that I'm here, Shintaro. To make his life peacefully. " Akashi responded and sat on the couch.

"The child is merely a 16 year old teenager. He is not ready!"

"Paano mo nasabi?~" Akashi teased Midorima in a different language.

The four-eyed green head clenched his fist and got even irritated.

"*sigh*....Your highness. Do you even know the consequences that you've brought upon the child? After what happened last night, the mortals had spread the news and might come asking people around the area any suspicious behaviors...and guess what happens? They'll be curious of Tetsuya's sudden disappearance!!!! What if they found out he is actually being possessed by the demon emperor himself?!!! The child will be executed!"

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