Chapter 4

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Paige's POV

I can't believe I saw Sam. I haven't seen her is forever. I missed her like crazy. I can't wait to hang out with her.

For right now I just woke up. It's only 9:00 so I have the day ahead of me. Ashton and I haven't really talked in a while. I mean, we text's not the same.

Oh we'll. I don't want to act clingy ethier. Considering we're not even a couple.

We'll after a while just laying and thinking in my bed, I decide to take a shower and get dressed. Once u got out of the shower, I heard my phone go off.

It was a text from Ashton.

Ashton <3 : (yea I changed his # in my contacts)



Hey stranger ;) what's up haven't talked to you In a while.

Ashton <3 :

Haha I know. I miss talking to you. I was wondering if, you wanted to go a date with me today?:)

OMG he's so cute. I love him! OMG wait did I just say I love him? I can't possibly. But, maybe I do..


Sure:) when?

Ashton <3 : I'll pick you up in 30 min babe ;)

Me: ok see ya :)

The way he called me babe. Ugh he's so sweet. OMG I better get ready.

He sent me a text a couple minutes ago saying to wear something casual.

So I decided on a blue crop top with a pair of jeans and my black vans. For my makeup I put on eyeliner,mascara and some coverup. I don't like to cake on my makeup. Finally, for my hair I straightened it.

After I was all done, i headed downstairs with 5 minutes to spare.

For that five minutes I just sat down on my couch and watched some tv. Mom was at work so I wrote her a note saying I was going out.

After I was finished, I hear a knock on my door.

I go to open it up and there's Ashton standing there smiling and holding a bouquet of red roses.

"Hey whose the roses for"? I ask smirking. "You silly". He responds laughing. "OMG they're beautiful"! "Just like you" I hear him mumble but I don't think he wanted me to hear.

He's so cute.

"We'll I'm just going to go put these in a vase and we can go" I tell him.

Once I finished, I walked towards him and he smiles and grabs my hand and we walk towards the door.

I walk to the passenger side and he opens the door like a gentleman.

"Why thank you kind sir" I say all posh. "Your welcome my lady" he says back and we laugh.

"So where are we going"? I ask really wanting to know. "I'm not telling you" he says and smirks. "Ashton"! I whine. "You know I hate surprises". "That's exactly why I'm not telling you". He says. And I pout.

"Aw come on don't be like that babe" he says and I smile. I love when he calls me that. "Ok fine" I say.

For the rest of the ride he holds my hand and we sit in silence. It was a good kind though.

Soon enough we arrive to what looks like a bowling alley. Wow I can't even remember the last time I went bowling. I'm excited though because I love bowling.

"OMG Ashton, how did you know I love bowling"? "Because I know you" he says and winks.

He grabs my hand and we walk hand in hand to the entrance. We exchange our shoes for bowling shoes and go to a lane.

"Can we have bumpers"? I whine. I love bowling, but I suck. So I want bumpers. "What are you five"? Ashton asks and laughs at me.

"Paige your 17 going to be 18 in a couple months, come on NO BUMPERS". He smiles.

We'll I guess I can't say no to those dimples.

"But I suck" I whine again.

"Oh do you now"? Ashton says obviously dirty minded boy.

"Not that way stupid". I say and laugh. "Hey come on we came here to have a good time. Let me help you" Ashton says.

He walks up to me and puts his arms around my waist, and positions my arm the angle I should role the ball.

Once he finished helping me, I role the ball crossing my fingers.

Once I hear the ball collide with the pins, I look to see that I got a strike.

"YAY"!! I shout and get weird stares from people. I don't care though. I go up to Ashton and give him a huge hug. And he hugs me back.

After that long hug we stare into each other's eyes and we start leaning in. We kissed and there were sparks immediately.

After what seemed like hours we pull away.

"Paige"? Ashton asks nervously.


"Will you be my girlfriend"? I can't believe he just asked me that.

"Yes, yes of course I'll be your girlfriend Ashton". I say and he grins with his amazing dimples.

He kisses me passionately on the lips. After that we continued with bowling.

A couple hours later we decide to head home. On our way to my house, we held hands the whole time.

It feels amazing to call him mine.

"We'll thanks for an amazing date Ashton" I say as we pull up to my house. "It was my pleasure. Text me later"? He asks. "Of course". I say.

Before I walk to my door, he kisses me on the lips and we exchange goodbyes.

He makes me so happy and he's so sweet and caring. I can't believe I get to call him mine.

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