Chapter 27. A Loving Family.

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Pablo, Angelica, German and Violetta turned around to face Angie.

Angie tried to get up from her bed but her legs gave way..

German rushed towards her and caught her.

"Angie you need to stay in bed so you can gain your strength back" said German softly.

Angelica butted in.

"What Angie needs is to be left alone by you German, this is your fault! She's lying in that hospital bed because of you!"

 Pablo piped up.

"I Couldn't agree more Angelica. Angie needs the love of her Mother and me, not you German!

THEN Violetta spoke up.

"Listen, I don't know what's going on but Angie doesn't need this right now and especially not here. She's in hospital for god's sake! So go, leave her be! If you care about her then you will go and leave her in peace!" said Violetta.

"You heard Violetta go!" shouted German.

"Angeles, is that what you want? For your poor old Mother to leave!"

Angie nodded and looked away.

"Fine!" shouted Angelica.

Pablo just stood there looking uncomfortable.

"Pablo, come on!" Angelica opened the door.

Just as Pablo and Angelica were leaving Angie shouted..


Angelica and Pablo turned around.

"You want to know something Mother?

Angelica nodded.

"Me and German are together. We love each-other. That's what I need right now! Love, love off German and Violetta"

Pablo looked gobsmacked and Angelica looked like she was going to burst with anger.

Angie continued.

"Pablo, i'm sorry I didn't tell you, i'm also sorry that I avoided you. I know now you deserved to know the truth"

Pablo didn't reply he left.

"Well Angeles, I hope your happy. Pablo is the one who really loves you. Not German..."

Angie shook her head and attempted to cover her ears. It didn't work...

"Mother!, that's enough! You know what just leave!"

"Fine, I will"

Angelica was gone.

Angie began to cry.

Violetta had held of her hand.

"Angie, you have Dad, Olga, Ramallo and I were your family. We will always be here for you. I love you"

German kissed Angie.

"I love you beautiful"

"I love you too German. I love you also Violetta. My loving family"

They all had smiles across their faces.


Hi Guys, I would like to tell you all (If you haven't heard already) that my book is coming to an end:( BUT.... there's gonna be a sequel!:D

I will probably publish it at the end of next week as I'll be busy through-out Wednesday and Thursday. I get my College exam results Thursday so i'm really nervous!

Thank-you for reading!:) x

Thank you for all the lovely comments.

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