Chapter two

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Marzia pov---

At the end of the day my roommate, Rubin, comes and picks me up. He was annoyed at me  yesterday because one of the dad's stayed behind. (Fyi- Rubin and I aren't in a relationship, he Is gay). I keep telling him that we don't need curfews because we have jobs and we are adults, BUT NOPE. With him there always have to be rules, no exceptions! Don't get me wrong, I love him as a friend, he is my only friend, other than work, but the other teachers are older then me, so I don't get what they are on about most of the time; they are always talking about some artist called Abba? I don't know  who that is... Any way. I was walking home yesterday night and I heard shouting from a small house. I instantly recognised a little voice, crying out "Mummy! Don't hit daddy!!!". It was Sam's. My teacher instincts kicked in and I ran across the road towards the small house. I bashed on the door. Sam opened it, he was crying. "Miss?" he said sobbing. "Sam! Are you ok??". Before he could answer, the man that picked him up yesterday,came into the hall."Miss Bogsin!" He said shocked. "What are you doing here?". I replied with "I heard shouting and then I heard Sam cry, is there a problem?". A young woman, with blond hair and a short dress on stomped into the hall. She came right up to the door shouted "There isn't a problem, stay away!" and slammed the door. I stood there in shock. I felt tears in my eyes. I ran home. Of course Rubin was there. I opened the door and jumped on to the sofa. Rubin came over from the kitchen and comforted me. I told him what happened. "Dont worry honey, you have a bubble bath and I will put on a movie, how about evil dead??". I love horror movies so I agreed and went  to have bath. What a night.


"MARZIA! MARZIA!!". ah! I woke up with a sore head and on the floor. "MARZIA!" Rubin called. I jumped up and ran to see what the trouble was. He had a note in his hand that read in big bold letters EVICTED. I grabbed the letter. "It has come to our attention that your neighbours have complained many times about your rucusses. We are sorry to give you this news, but you have been evicted from this property. You have exactly one month after the date 17.08.14. Thank you for your time at pamwell court." My mouth dropped to the floor. Tears fell from my eyes and I couldn't breathe. I had no friends. No money and no where to go. Then it hit me. Work!! I quickly surfed the web to try and find a good job. There was a lot of one day cleaning jobs so I took as many as I could. I had to get money to pay for a new home. While I did that, Rubin put up signs for new roommates, with rooms... It seems silly but we will take anything we get. The nest day I got to work at this cleaning gig, then I realised, it was Sams house....


Hey Hey hey!!!

Thanks for reading guys!! the next chapter will be out soon! Usually I update 2-5 Times a week!! Wattpad crazy is me! Follow me on instagram, @yo_its_chlo_xx Thanks!!

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