chapter six

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Felix pov---

It's the day!!! I'm taking Marzia on our first date. I want to make an impression so I'm going to take her to a posh restaurant, Wagamama, the Chinese place. I'm going to use this day to get her trust, I know she may think she is a side girl, but she isn't. I'm already I love within her after a day.


I'm ready for the date! I got my hair done, shaved, waxed my chest hair (just coz) and found a nice t-shirt that goes with my beige jeans. Tonight has to be  perfect!! Sam is getting.  baby sitter as well which is fabulous. So, it's time Marzia should  be here any minute. Knock knock! She's here!! I open the door and there she is, pretty as ever. She  has a lovely blue and white ankle dress with one strap that goes over her neck. Her hair is in two tight pony tails and she now has a small side fringe. "Wow Marzia, you look gorgeous!" I compliment. She blushes "thanks Felix." She giggles.  I open the car door and usher her in.


Marzia pov---

The car ride was SO awkward! We didn't speak at all.   SO WEIRD. Felix was normally quite chatty, but not tonight. Well, at least for the car ride.


We are now at the restaurant! It's so cool! You can see them cook and there is always massive fires! "Heyo, wecome to Wagamama! Can I gey you a dwink?" a small Asian waitress asks. "Yes, um I'll have a coke" Felix said. "Just some water please" I reply. The  little woman then ran off into a kitchen. "So, what do you want?" Felix asked. Handing me a menu he then says "Kung fry noodoos?" . I giggle. "Um, no," I say, laughing. "I will have, the chilli rice.". Felix pulls a funny face. "A bit plain hey? water and rice.". I sigh "I'm on  a diet! I can't eat much." Felix put his hand on mine. "You don't need to be on a diet, do you? You are perfect just the way you are.". I can't help but  blush. "Aweh, thanks Felix." I leant over and kissed him.  "Ok then I'll have the sweet chilli noodles then". The same woman as before  cam  I've  with our drinks. "One coke for you, and one wata for you" she says. "are you ready to orda?" She takes out a note pad from her pocket. Felix told  her our orders and after a big chat, our food arrived. It was SCRUMMY!!!After dinner, we went back to the Rubin and I's apartment. He was there but he was asleep, so Felix and I got up to something....


Hey reader!

sorry this chapter was a bit crappy, I just am very busy!!

follow me on instagram @yo_its_chlo_xx


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