chapter eight

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Marzia pov---

Rubin and I only have two weeks left to leave, we aren't  going to make it. Although we have started to pack, we haven't  found a place yet, but we will, hopefully.


Bring Bring!!! My phone woke me up... time....3:47am?!?! What the heck? Who would be texting me at this time... Felix! 'HeyHeyHey! My lovely girl!' Aw, he called me 'his girl. 'Hope I didn't wake you from a good dream but I have a HUGE surprise for you!!! Get ready and I will pick you up at 4:30!!' Knowing Felix wouldn't trick me like that, so I got ready. I didn't do my makeup, to be hones  I'm to lazy. I put my hair up in two pigtails and put  on a blue top and white shorts. done! I got my blue pumps on and left for the  lobby. Felix was stood there, so handsome. "Marzia!" He hollered as I ran over to him. We hugged and he span me round. "Come on! I can't wait to show you!". We got in his car and we drove like 5 blocks down? What ever, we where near the school I worked. We got out and Felix lead me towards this small bungalow. "Felix?". No it cant be happening, Felix didn't do this. He lead me to the door. Rubin opened it! "WELCOME TO OUR NEW HOME HONEY!" He hollered. I ran and hugged him. I turned to Felix. "Thank you so much, Thank you, Thank you! Words can't explain how thank full I am!!!" He smiled. "A kiss wouldn't hurt would it?" he laughed. "Of course it wouldn't!" I said giving him a smooch.  Awkwardness took over. I stopped and gave him a hug. "Thank you, Felix" I whispered in his ear. He kissed my cheek before breaking the hug. "Lets start moving your shit  then!" He said.



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