chapter nine

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Marzia pov---

Felix is a sweet heart. He has bought Rubin and I a house, which we will pay the mortgage for! He has rented a van for all our things, AND he has even got Rubin a real job, (a big change from his scrappy bar tending job)!! This man is my whole world. I love him,so much.

Felix pov---

I was in my way to see Marzia, when I got a call. "Hello?" I said. "Is this Felix Kjellberg?" a womans voice asked. "Yes, who's calling?". "This is St. Phillips Hospital. We have some bad news.". My stomachs dropped. "Wh-what?" I stuttered. "Your girlfriend, Lisa? Yes, she was attacked by a man and is in a terrible condition. We wanted to know if you would like to see her?". My stomach dropped again. "Lisa! Oh My God! Please let me see her!" I cried. "Yes, you may come in right away." the woman said, "I will book you an appointment immediately!" and with that, she hung up.   I rushed to the hospital to see my girl friend. As soon as I got there I rushed to see her. She was there, in her room. tubes up her nose and in her arms. I saw a huge gash across her face. I felt sick to my stomach. How could anyone do this to her? My precious Lisa. My world. I realised I loved her.

Marzia pov---

I rushed to the hospital after hearing what happened in the news. I knew Felix would  be there. I asked about  the room. They told me and I ran to the lift. I walked over to the room. I heard muttering, it sounded like Felix. I listened. "Lisa, I love you, and if you love me, do something, please I know you can hear me, do something!" I felt a pain near my heart. Did he just say that? I felt the tears well in my eyes. Felix, the  boy I loved. Just forgetting about me. My sight went fuzzy. The room was spinning, what is happening to me? Woah, Whoah, AHHH!


Sorry guys for not posting in ages, I have been super busy! I managed to save sometime here and there to write this though! Remember to comment some ideas and keep reading!

Follow me on instagram, @chloe_bvb_xx thanks!!!!

love ya byeeeee

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