Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 {Sara's POV}

I'am in the locker room getting my cheer uniform on when Danielle walks in. "Why are you treating Louis like he's nothing!"Danielle screams. "Excuse me?!" I say looking up at her. "He just lost Liam as a friend! Cause Liam was sticking up for you!"Danielle screamed at me. "Good! Liam doesn't need too be friends with that wanker!" I scream. All the girls walk in getting ready for cheerleading. "Sara! We have a new girl! She wants too try out!"Molly screams walking in. I look up and see the new girl Eleanor that Louis was doing shit with. "Sorry where not having try outs." I say walking out of the locker room. "Oi! Give her a chance!"Danielle screams. "No! I am the leader of this group and I am not having try outs! So back off!" I scream. Everyone walked back in the locker room too get ready. I sit on the bleachers waiting for them when Liam and Zayn walk up too me. "What are you two doing together?" I say with a lost look on my face. "Well where going too be rooming together on the trip so we have to get use too each other." Liam says looking at Zayn. "What about Louis?" I say. "Yeah I have too go get in my football uniform."Liam says walking into the locker room. I look up too see Zayn smiling. "So how is this gonna work?"Zayn says looking at me. "I have no clue but it's gonna work just wait." I say smiling. "Love that smile!"Zayn says walking away. "See you tonight!" I scream. "What's tonight?" Louis says be hide me. I turn around and I look at him. "We have that prom thing remember." I say walking on to the field. All the girls where coming out of the locker room. "I'll get you back and I don't care what Liam says." Louis screams. "I don't want you! Look there's Eleanor go fuck her again!" I scream pointing at her. All the girls look at her and start walking away and giving her looks. "How'd you know that!"Louis screams. "Cause I have friends that give a shit about me and don't want me too be hurt!"I scream. "What the hell is going on!"Liam screams walking out of the locker room. "You have a big mouth that's what!"Louis says walking away. "Girls on the field now!"I say pointing too the field. Today has just started and it's been hell I hope tonight is better.

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