Two Different Worlds Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 {Sara's POV}

We get back too the boys dorm and I just fall on Zayn's bed and get under the cover and hide my face cause I was so tired. "Love you kinda have too stay awake. Time too talk about the prom." Liam says while hitting me with a pillow. I wouldn't move. "Okay we need a band and we just have too set everything up! Find a band and where all done!" I scream from under the cover. "So who knows a great band?"Niall says while Harry pokes me."Styles I will cut your finger off if you keep poking me!"I say in a mean voice. "Zayn control your girl!" Harry says backing up too far and ended up on the ground. I feel a body fall right next too me. "I don't control girls! They normally control me." Zayn says laughing. "Sara help us your daddy runs that record company!" Liam says falling on top of me. "Can't breathe... Liam fat ass is killing my little body.." I say trying too breathe. "Fat ass! Excuses me!" Liam screams rolling over. "So your daddy runs a music company! What groups has he signed!!!"Niall says jumping up and down. "He's signed so many I can't think of all the names. He moved too the US about 3 years ago and has a company there too." I say uncovering my face."Well babe I think you should call him up and see who would come too our prom."Harry says. "Okay okay I will after a nap!"I say covering my face again. "Okay we'll where going too grab lunch will bring you something back." Liam says. "Okay. Bye." I say. "Get some rest love." Zayn says kissing my cheek. They all walk out and I start too fall asleep until my phone rings. "Ehh hello?" I say. "Hello babe! I really think we need too talk. Can you come too my dorm? Nothing will happen I promise!"Louis says. "If anything does your dead!" I scream. "So you'll come?" Louis ask. "Yes give me a few minutes." I say hanging up the phone. God what is he up too this time..

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