Two Different Worlds Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 {Sara's POV}

I hear a knock on my door I get up and look out the door hole and see Liam I open the door and he hands my a envelope. "Uh what's this?" I ask looking at it. "It's from Zayn. Just read it for him." Liam says walking away. I shut the door and lay on my bed and open the leader.

*Dear Sara, I know you hate me cause of what you saw. But I want you too know I had no choice she blacked mail me and she's done it too Louis too. She told me if I didn't kiss her she would have you kicked out of the school. I couldn't lose you like that but even when I did try and save you I still lost you. I love you Sara and no mental girl could change my mind about that. I am sorry that I broke your heart I just want you too know that me kissing her broke my heart too cause I couldn't lose you and I didn't see another way. I will always love you even if you stop loving me. My heart will always be always be taken by you. I love you Sara.

-Zayn xx * He really does love me. I jump out of my bed and run too his room and just keep knocking until he answered. His eyes where red and he had tears falling down his cheeks was this all cause of me. "Hi." I say looking into his eyes. "If your looking for Liam he isn't here." Zayn says. "No I was looking for you." I say looking at the ground. "Why me?" Zayn asked. "I read the letter and I should have let you talked before I ran out of the room crying." I say looking up at him. "Do you believe me?" Zayn asks. "I had too come back for my half of your heart and give you my half back." I say smiling at him. His eyes got wide and this amazing smile I missed popped up on his face. "God Sara I thought I lost you!" Zayn says picking me up and hugging me tight. "I thought the same thing love. Please don't ever do anything like that again even if it's too save me. Losing you like that is like the worst feeling ever." I say crying in his shoulder. "Never again."Zayn says pulling me closer. "I love you Zayn Malik." I say looking at him. "I love you too Sara Cruz." Zayn says then leans in and kissing me god how I've missed those lips on mine.

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