When they set off, Vorstag hadn't the faintest clue of their destination. He had long given up on the endeavor of finding out. He noticed that Lace wore a lot of leather intricately crafted bearing stamped floral designs in her boots and bracelets, the edge of her hood, her arrow sack. Money didn't seem to be a concern to her but she seemed more educated than your average thief. Obviously her interests were political in nature as stated, and naturally she supported the house of Lotus. Vorstags father was famous for his slaughtering of the Lotus line, and he ventured to guess that she knew that and perhaps sought to use it. He remained guarded. How could the house of Lotus and their supporters see him as anything but a threat?
They could hear horse hooves behind them, wheels bouncing on the uneven road as the clops grew closer they edged off the road. They were approaching the city and peasants lined the streets as they grew nearer to it. The smell of the city filled Vorstags nostrils, the smell of filth from sewage mixed with street cakes, that was an odd combination. Almost as an intentional pouperi. "I will never eat street cakes again" he muttered. The peasants stood in front of the carriage overwhelming the carriage and not allowing it to pass, the guards began on the crowd, their cries faintly echoed "mercy" as Lace pulled me into the forest.
From the trees we ran closer shaded from sight, they were witness to a noble man slicing off the hand of a peasant reaching out his hands for alms. Vorstag saw an arrow fly by his head and directly into the eye of the noble.
"This way!" she cried as they made a run for it deeper into the forest. The guards were prevented from pursuing by the mob as more carriages approached the city for the royal banquet.
They followed the road toward through the wood until they were sure that they were not being followed. They approached it where the road forked between Moorfield and Veshfall. They veered right to Moorfield around the mountain from the city, A carriage approached leaving the town as they approached, and they made their way through the small village to the mountainside estate.
When they arrived even the wood of the stables was adorned, and the farms were well tended by servants. They approached the massive set of double doors and knocked. Vorstag couldn't help but admire the curled wood handles braided intricately, and carved framework around the door painted blue-green to match the ocean, all the more beautiful by the bleaching of the sun. Lace inquired after the lady of the house who regrettably was attending the kings banquet that evening. Lace made a cordial return of thanks and turned around to leave. When the servent closed the doors Lace returned to the porch and shook a cobblestone loose, then placed a pouch within and they departed back towards the city.
Esteber Estanee sat in his throne awaiting the next wave of petitioners. His radiant orange hair had grayed since he became king. His face now had distinctive wrinkles between his brows from seven years of petitions and unrest that despite appearances, he had no control over. The well worn cushions of his throne, wrinkles, and gray hair were all that he had to show for his crown."Elenor Roud, barrenness of Earlsborrow your highness, regarding a theft," indicated the guard as she was motioned forward. She came from a wealthy family given titles and lands when they swore fealty to the house of Estanee, lands taken from the house of Finnius, royal protectors of the line of Lotus now traitors to the crown for slaughtering the house of Lotus.
"My Lord," she began, her voice wavering. I returned home from your banquet last night to find that when I went to return my jewels to their box that the rest of my jewelry was gone, and replaced with these," she lifted the jewelry box in her hands towards the king, who's guard took the box, examined the contents and passing it to the king.
The king was surprised to find within a cashe of leather coins intricately crafted with the royal seal of the house of Lotus, King Lorenzo Lotus who was king before him. The possession of such a thing warranted treason.
Before Estaber Estanee could decide the verdict, the box was forcefully taken from his hand by Roland, the Elvan ambassador.
"This is treason!" cried the elf, "Guards, restrain this woman and her family. They are to be detained for questioning."
"No my lords! Please, I have nothing to do with this!" she cried. "I am loyal to the house of Estanee!"
Esteber felt pity for the woman, but he was a king without power. A puppet for the elves and crowned at their mercy. If he were to intervene they would slaughter him as they had the Lotus line until they found a king who would do their bidding.
Esteber briefly let his displeasure in the situation show on his face, only to be noticed by his son, a small ginger boy with a cal lick to the right of his face where his short hair curled, and a face full of freckles, had popped his head around the throne.
"This is no place for children," he said.
"My son is welcome in the court, he will be king himself one day and all that is mine will be his." he said to his son fondly masked by an equally reverent undertone of hesitant fear towards his puppeteer.
"Perhaps," Roland said sneeringly "it is good that he sees how justice is administered." he said grudgingly. Esteber could not help but feel threatened by the mans comment as the woman and her family, children included were dragged screaming from the court. Sheldro Estanee put his small warm hand on his fathers shoulder. He was only six years old, but already he showed great wisdom in one so young. Esteber imagined it to one day be himself and his son dragged away in the same manner. That was probably the best of the many inevitable outcomes that he imagined for himself as he daydreamed all day. Securing the safety of his son had become his number one concern however without any allies he hadn't the faintest clue how it would be achieved.
Estebers wife Ellis had died the previous year shortly after the birth of their second son who failed to thrive shortly after her passing and died. They had to place guards in the graveyard because the peasants kept stealing the flowers that Esteber placed daily. The disdain for the Estanee line was evidenced by the actions of the people daily. Caravans arriving in the city were attacked daily, and the nobles, loyal only out of fear and much coin refused to give any alms. The elves advised the nobles against it saying that they will only become more forceful, like bears who have had human flesh they will aggressively seek more. The cruelty of his puppeteers and their merciless attitudes regarding justice lead Esteber to the conclusion that the elves had poisoned his sweet merciful wife. She had always spoken out to the ambassador and he had once threatened that if Esteber did not put a leash on his wife that he would have to take it into his own hands. He called her weak. Esteber remembered her as the strongest woman he knew. Ellis, she was beautiful and to call her smart was an understatement. Her compassion was perhaps her best quality. Esteber never had an interest in her title or her power, he loved her.
The night before marked the seventh year of Estanee reign. Since the death of king Lotus there had been unrest. Many blamed him, and he knew that those who smiled for him at the banquet did so through gritted teeth. The speeches given painted him as a peacekeeper, and the father of the most prosperous nation. Prosperity only shared by royalty and nobility which were all that mattered in the eyes of the elves.
The truth of the matter was that the cities were full of unrest and starving orphans who joined thieves guilds and bandit ranks in order to fill their bellies. He had to do something. But a puppet cannot also be the puppeteer. All who apposed the elves also sought his head. He had no allies.
Estaber believed the noble woman's tale, however he knew that this was only the beginning. It had been a message to him, that they were coming to take back the throne. His time was drawing near and he only feared for his son knowing the violent end that the house of Lotus had faced. King Lotuses daughter slaughtered beside the king and queen. How they intended to take back the crown without a Lotus heir haunted him as he fell asleep, a prisoner in his own chamber that night awaiting his executioner.
He wished he could take it all back.
Liar's Shadow
Fantasy"Authority is now the seat for those willing to sink the low enough take it by force. Honesty, that which is true, is a myth. We all believe and tell those very lies which we believe. Could I have settled? Lived an "honest life"? I'm not sure that w...