The Start

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Before the great tale of Harper Athena Andrews and Why Her Life Absolutely Sucks starts, that's me and my life if you didn't know, I would like to say one thing. This is in no way a sob story. Don't you dare start thinking "Aw, what a poor child." Don't even let that thought cross your mind. You wanna know why? Because it's not true. I am a perfectly normal child with a normal family (eh, kinda, not really, but that's besides the point) and normal pets and everything normal. If this is not enough for you, then I don't know how else to persuade you. But if you are still interested in knowing why my life Absolutely Sucks, then please continue reading.

Cassie-Anne is my best friend. Or at least I think she is my best friend. Cassie is the only person who I am not even the slightest bit annoyed to see. She's absolutely beautiful with long strawberry blonde hair and a gorgeous tan that makes your mind go "wowowowowow how is this possible???". Many people don't even believe we're friends (wow, so shocking, I know), but I don't think it really bothers me like it used to. Back in seventh grade, I was lonely. Capital L Lonely. This was some hardcore stuff. I didn't really have any friends and the only person I could rely on was myself. Then there came the Glorious Day, the greatest day of my existence. There was a new girl in my science class and I was instantly nervous. New people scare me greatly and I thought she was going to hate me just as much as the rest of the world. Surprisingly, I was wrong. I know, another huge shocker. We had to sit next to each other and I remember the horrible scent of her gum. Who in the world buys gum with that much of an odor? Beats me. This girl was interested in science (me too!!) and she had a Russian Blue cat. To say Cassie-Anne Jones was the coolest person ever was an understatement. We spent every day together and my mother had just started treating Cassie as her second child. It was honestly amazing.

Fast forward to the end of tenth grade. Oh, how I hate the end of tenth grade. Saying this was not a good time in my life is putting it lightly. I freaking dispised tenth grade and there was really only one (and a half) reasons for this. Brady O'Connor. I had never hated someone so much until he came to our school. Everyone was obsessed with him, including, you guessed it, Cassie-Anne Jones. Now I wouldn't normally care if she had a crush on a guy, but this one really made something inside me explode. There was a fire burning inside of me and she had to know that. Yet, she didn't really care. To her, it was something that was stupid. And that was when I realized I was alone again.

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