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"How did you get this confused with a rooftop party?" I snapped at Elena, trying to keep my balance as we made our way down the boardwalk.

That's right; the party Martin invited us to was on. A. Boat.

Now, this would be all fine and dandy if I had known earlier. Thinking that this party was going to be on solid ground, I foolishly let Peyton dress me up in the worlds sluttiest dress. Well, it wasn't as slutty as what she was wearing, but still.

It barely fit the standards of a dress, and while it wasn't tight on me, I could tell that from far away it definitely looked as if I was sealed in plastic wrap.

The only reason I allowed myself to be sluttified was because I hadn't packed anything fancy. We weren't expecting to go to any parties, so I didn't plan for one.

"I'm sorry! I swear I thought that he said roof top. At least we're properly dressed." Elena said, stumbling a bit on her wedges to my left.

This board walk was a lot longer and worn down than the ones in Malibu, and the fact that I was wearing heels made it that much harder. My dress was made out of a stretchy material, so I could move my legs around as I pleased, but still. I felt way over exposed.

Peyton was even more exposed than I was, if that was even possible. She was wearing a lacy, low cut crop top that showed off her belly button ring, and skin tight leather jeans. Her make up was done to perfection, with rouged lips and dark black eyeliner masking her eyes. She looked totally badass in her combat boots, and even more party ready.

It was like the dumbed down version of her personality. As much as I hated to admit it, the look suited her.

Damn her and her good looks.

Speaking of Peyton. "Hey P," I tapped her shoulder.


'Whatever you're planning on doing tonight...don't do it. I don't feel like bailing you out of jail again. Especially since you never pay me back."

Over the past three years of high school, Peyton has been arrested three times. Once for assault-the girl was asking for it. Once for theft- the necklace was really pretty. And finally once for destruction of property. She didn't have an excuse for that one. She simply just felt like it.

Her parents had given up on Peyton becoming the trophy daughter they were hoping for a long time ago, and they left her to fend for herself when they went on business trips, which was often. It was sad to think that they thought a couple hundred bucks every month would replace their presence.

They were jerks.

"Don't worry about me, Mads. You might want to stay focused on your dare." Peyton wiggled her polished fingers to my right.

I stuck my tongue out at her before I turned my attention to Seth. Even in heels, I was still about half a head shorter than him. I'd never admit it out loud, but he looked good tonight. Better than Taylor or Brett or even the hot guys walking in front of us. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt, black jeans, and vans, but he somehow looked just as fancy as everyone else with a dark chain around his neck.

It almost made me feel kind of special that I was going to be seen holding the hand of someone so attractive. Almost. But not quite.

"Are you trying to break off my hand?" Seth protested, attempting to loosen my grip with his other hand.

I just want to clarify that the only reason I was touching him was because I was certain if I didn't hold on I'd fall into the water. "I f I'm going to do this dare, I may as well make this experience useful." The board walk wiggle beneath us, and I clung to Seth tighter.

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