The Love Train

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Before you say anything, I KNOW.




But one of my various New Years resultion was to continue updating my story, and when I looked at it earlier today, it said 1k. Well, 1.07k to be exact. As in, OVER ONE THOUSAND readers. 

Honestly, I don't deserve you guys. 

Good thing Seth and Maddie do. ;)

Enjoy this chapter, my present to you for the new year. 

PS: I promise to update. Like, I pinky swear.

Chapter 9

Calling the amusement park “big” would be an understatement. It was huge. Ginormous. Massive. Immense. Gargantuan.

Alright, I admit, I looked all those words up in the dictionary.

What can I say? I just felt like it. Besides, I feel like I need to broaden my vocabulary with words like batrachophagous (basically a someone with a freaky frog addiction), borborygmus (farts!), and brevirostrate (short nose).

For example, the ticket holder at our last ride was a brevirostrate woman. As in, her nose was hella small. She had this huge diamond stud in her nose that took up about ¾ of her nose. She was birdlike, with one of those abnormally long faces and large ears. In general, her face was just disproportioned. It was plain scary.

I know, I’m being a hater. I’m just in a sucky mood. It’s not even the fact that Peyton decided to broadcast my drunkenness to the world. It was the amusement park. We arrived a couple hours ago, and it had been awesome. Wonderful, even. We rode all kinds of crazy roller coasters, and stuffed our faces with oodles of cotton candy, burgers, and fries.

This was supposed to be part two of Peyton’s payback, but nothing had happened yet. I was actually beginning to forget all about the whole dress fiasco when I saw it.

It was big. It was pink. And more importantly, it was flooding with couples.

At first, Seth didn’t get it. He was staring off at another roller coaster, eating my cotton candy. I was too terrified at what I had seen to protest.

“Oh Maddie,” Peyton hissed, her voice slithering into my ear from behind. “I think it’s time you and Seth took a ride on the Love Train.”

I was pretty sure I’d thrown up in my mouth a little. I couldn’t even make fun of her for saying Love Train because that was literally the name. Just like how it was a literal train, and I was literally considering throwing myself in front of it.

“No way.” Seth said, throwing the cotton candy stick in the trash. “I’m not going on that thing. Especially with you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“You’re the most un-fun person I know. You would kill the fun out of a ride like this.”

“The fun?” I repeated. “The fact that you even think that a horrible contraption such as a love Train could be fun tells me how delusional you are.”

Seth ignored me. “You want me to go on this ride with you?”

“No.” I said sarcastically. “I want you to put on a mini skirt and dance the hokey pokey.” Now that I thought about it, it didn’t seem like a bad idea.

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