Chapter 8

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The Truth


Taehyung sighed and opened his door, watching as Jungkook nervously sat down on his bed. He smiled and sat down next to the younger, giving him a pillow "It helps me..." he spoke and Jungkook smiled a bit letting out a small laugh. He squeezed the pillow tightly before letting out a small sigh "So...This story dates all the way back when I was nine years old..." he began while gulping "I was sitting on a play set....


Jungkook swinged happily on the swing. He ran around like any normal kid would. Talking to people and being a kid. He sighed and sat on the "Big Kids" slide pouting. Eh felt like nobody liked him, and he didn't know why. His eyes widened and his breath hitched when he saw a couple of sixth graders coming up to him he gulped and put on a tuff guy act. He looked at the male, his thoughts consuming him until one name stood out "Lee Jackson"

He looked at the tall male Before him. He stood up with his tiny fist out, which was trembling "Pfff! Look at this baby!" Jackson spoke "Get away from me...Fluffing jerks"' Jungkook spoke "Hmph? Suddenly got an attitude?" He spoke before he slapped the younger harshly, Jungkook glared before kicking Jackson right in the Tuti~fruiti. He gasped at his actions noticing that Jackson's rage was fuming, he gulped before he felt himself be picked up, and before he knew it he was thrown off the play set, his back hitting the concrete harshly.

"After that everything was a blur...soon enough I passed out....When I woke back up, I was laying in a hospital bed, my back was in extreme pain. That was the start of something...something that changed my life" Jungkook spoke "When I was about ten...My...My...My parents abandoned me...My mom left me a note to me saying how she wished she had never given birth to me...How I was a useless mistake..." Jungkook spoke not even realizing he was crying until he felt Taehyung wiping his tears "O-Oh..Sorry..." Jungkook spoke while sniffling "Don't worry..:you can stop now...if you want" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook shook his head "No...There's more....My dad never said anything, and he loved me way to much, and he still left, and I don't know why nor do I know where my parents are today, I don't even know if their alive" jungkook spoke and Taehyung sighed a bit playing with his hands "But....Jackson's bullying only got worse....But...One day when I was fifteen me and my best friend Yoongi spent the day together after school, we talked made dumb jokes and did what most dumb teenagers back then would do, but without the drugs and alcohol and police, we were mostly doing homework in a small cafe that had WiFi....When we were walking Jackson came out of nowhere, he attacked us, yelled at us, calling us horrible things...He even tried to get Yoongi to join his group which luckily he denied without a problem, I obviously was weak back then and got scared, he slapped me again, that's when Yoongi attacked him, but he wasn't strong enough either, Jackson ended up beating him pretty badly, but he didn't stop there, he left with son parting words to me 'Let this be a lesson you weak rat, don't be afraid of anything, or you'll get people killed' was all he said to me, before he left me....Yoongi....he was in bad shape....really bad shape, to the point he was slowly dying before my eyes...." jungkook began before looking at Taehyung "remember when you passed out and couldn't perform, but when you hugged me you suddenly felt better?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded "yeah you got really exhausted and fell asleep after hugging me, your performance was adjust tuff right?" He asked and jungkook shook his head "No...Do you trust me?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded "more than anyone I know" he spoke and jungkook nodded before sighing "basically...Yoongi...was seconds away form death and I was sobbing at this point, scared, begging him to not leave me because I literally had nobody else, I was living in a small hotel by myself" Jungkook spoke "Yoongi went silent and that's when I broke, might I add that I had been getting a lot of migraines, and feeling really ill...suddenly A flash happened like a lightning strike....Yoongi Leaned up looking totally fine, he got a few words out before I collapsed..." jungkook spoke and Taehyung turned his head confused "Whattttt" he asked confused "I thought he was dead?" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook laughed "Damn, harsh" he spoke and Taehyung smiled scratching his neck  "oops...sorry" he spoke and Jungkook continued "listen to me carefully at these next might hate me..." jungkook spoke "what? I could never hate you" taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled before taking a deep breath

"taehyung.....I have powers"

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