Chapter 21

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Jungkook groaned loudly, he held his head, his vision still blurry, he heard some muffled voices around him. He closed his eyes and felt everything start to come back. The sounds of never ending beeping could be heard, and there was no doubt in Jungkooks mind that he was in a hospital. Jungkook looked around and gulped, remembering the events that accrued before, his Eomma. Once his vision came back into view, he saw his Eomma, and a young girl, which he came to conclusions, it was his sister. Jungkook looked at his Eomma for a bit but instantly looked away, he was angry, not only with his father but with her, especially her.

She sighed sadly telling Lily to go play with some of the kids here. Once she was gone she sat back down next to Jungkook "Jungkook..." she spoke, But Jungkook stayed silent "I know you hate me..." she spoke "id hate me too..." she spoke "and you think saying that is going to magically make me change my mind about you?" Jungkook asked "No...You can hate me all you want" she spoke "Fuck....I don't hate you...Even after all the horrible shit you put me through" Jungkook spoke "I just want to know why you hated me so much" jungkook spoke "I never hated you..In fact I loved you so much..." she spoke "Is that how you show love to kids? Damn, the universes humanity has changed" he spoke and She sighed "I was scared okay!" She spoke "What? Why?" Jungkook asked "I was afraid that...That" she spoke, obviously shaking "What?" Jungkook asked "I was afraid of my cancer" she spoke and Jungkook froze "W-What?" Jungkook asked "I know, I said horrible things, and people say it was my medicine which was part of it, but I was afraid to get too close to you, to break your heart if I died, I couldn't bear to see you suffer that type of pain, and I know I made you suffer more, the hate I had inside me, from the meds to trying not to hurt you, to being a mom that took care of everything at home, I even pushed you, that day, hurt me so much" she spoke "The letter I had to write" she spoke "Had?" Jungkook asked "It sounds like a lie...I know....But my mother, your grandma, hated the idea of children, atleast me having them, she hated me being happy, I grew up with that, I couldn't ever please her, I had good grades, talent in all sorts of things, but it wasn't enough for her" she spoke "The I had you and I treated you so horribly" she spoke "your grandma wanted you dead, in Pain, once the pain wasn't enough she said I had to have you killed or leave you in the most heartless way possible" she spoke and Jungkook gasped "T-That's why dad wanted to call..Taehyung...Fuck...why didn't I listen...I've ruined everything" jungkook spoke "Listen..Your Powers are time correct?" She asked and Jungkook nodded "I think so..." jungkook spoke "You didn't lose them for long, when you saved Lily, you brought them back faintly, which is how you lived after all the beating and nor eating..." she spoke and Jungkook gulped "Want to explain that or should I guess, because I have one" she spoke and jungkook smiled "Eomma instincts?" He asked and she giggled "You know it" she spoke "alright then guess" he asked "You lost your powers because you wouldn't listen to your partner, you hit him and he instantly broke up with you" she spoke and Jungkook went wide eyed "Ten out of ten, A Plus" he spoke and she smiled, "Do you want to talk to him?" She asked "I would...But I can't" Jungkook spoke "What why?" She asked "Id hurt him again, or fuck it up...I can't see him after all I've done" jungkook spoke "You were angry, upset, all rights reserved, you went on a rampage and ended up hurting someone" she spoke "There's more..." she spoke "Hmm?" Jungkook mumbled "Lily is your sister, which I'm sure you put together" She spoke and Jungkook nodded "That man you saved her from, was a dangerous man, he wants all of us dead" she spoke "Why?" Jungkook asked "Because the Jeon family has a bad past" she spoke "I don't understand" jungkook spoke "We've just been rumored so much, that all lead up to us as human beings and the Jeon family is exactly that, were hated, rumored, were everything you don't want to see nor be around, but obviously the rumors have died down now, but that man still believes were  money hungry people who are no lives.." she spoke "Had you not saved Lily, she'd be dead" she spoke "Thank you jungkok" she spoke "Eomma...I....Your welcome" jungkook spoke "I forgive you" he spoke and Mrs Jeon smiled "Thank you Jungkook..."


Jungkook sighed, he was out of the hospital now, his body still skinny and frail. He sighed and laid in his bed, the warm comfort of his own bed making him smile a bit. He instantly fell asleep


After a few more days of recovery jungkook was up and running again, his body was thin but his color was somewhat back. He decided to go on a walk.

He walked for awhile letting the fresh air enter his nose. He looked around at all the buildings, no happiness filling him. He wished to be happy have some sort of happiness, but there was nothing he was just sad. And he clearly missed Taehyung a lot. He sighed and walked down a street, the lights suddenly turning green, Jungkook gasped, headlights drawing near. He thought he'd get hit but he was pulled away before it could happen. He fell to the ground with a thud, choking on air. He coughed a bit holding his head "Are you okay!?" A Voice asked "Y-Yeah" jungkook spoke looking up at the male.

It was Taehyung....


Jungkook gasped and stared at the elder, standing up quickly and backing away slowly. "jungkook..." Taehyung spoke and Jungkook shook his head "S-Stay back.....I can't hurt you" Jungkook spoke "Jungkook you won't hurt me..." he spoke "I already have" jungkook spoke "Your so thin..." Taehyung spoke "I should care more shouldn't I" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung gasped "Your not taking care of yourself!?" He asked "I hurt the love of my life...Why should I" jungkook spoke "Jungkook...Stop blaming Yourself.....You were angry..." he spoke "That didn't give me the right to hit you or yell at you" Jungkook spoke "Your bruised up slightly" he spoke "I.....Yeah I know..." Jungkook spoke sadly "What happened" he asked "I saved my sister...Lily...From a bad guy who's hated the Jeon family forever now" Jungkook spoke "I forgave my Eomma..." Jungkook spoke "I'm such a horrible person Taehyung, HORRIBLE" jungkook spoke "I hurt everyone for no reason" jungkook spoke letting a few Tears fall "I hurt you...My Appa...My Eomma....I've hurt you all so much and you stop love me...I don't understand why, after all the stuff I've done to you guys, acting like the tragic baby who got nothing" jungkook spoke "Been in the hospital because I'm weak...starving  Myself...I'm pathetic...." jungkook spoke and Taehyung grabbed his hand "N-No...I cant hurt you" jungkook spoke pulling away "Please don't let me hurt you" jungkook spoke, slowly breaking down "Please..I'm so sorry.." jungkook spoke "Baby...." Taehyung spoke trying to grab the younger "Please TaeHyung.....I can't hurt you...I can't touch you...everything I touch, everything i say or do just messes up" jungkook spoke while sobbing "Jungkook...Please" Taehyung spoke grabbing the youngers hands and hugging him tightly "I'm so sorry..". Jungkook sobbed "Shh...It's okay...Shhh" taehyung spoke while hugging the younger tightly "I can't be without you Jungkook...My whole life now is here because of you...You've saved me many times...

It's my turn to Save you" 








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