Chapter 32

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Dark Magic


Taehyung ran down halls endlessly, looking for Mr Jeon. His mind growing angry at him for now being close considering the circumstances of the youngers life. Once Taehyung found the elder he shook him "Come on!" Taehyung Yelled with worried eyes, Mr Jeon instantly knowing something was off.

Once they got into the room Mr Jeons eyes widened in fear causing Taehyung to get even more worried. Soon Mr Jeon ran towards Jungkook "Wake up! Jungkook! jungkook!" Mr Jeon Yelled, Taehyungs worry only growing...




Jackson spoke staring at the completely broken down younger. Black magic surrounding him. He stared at Jackson, his eyes tear filled. He was broken. He had jo fight left, no more will to live...

 He had jo fight left, no more will to live

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He closed his eyes slowly. Letting his tears fall down.

Jackson stared at him. He didn't care, he wanted Jungkook to suffer. And his goal was reached.

But his eyes soon widened when The room began to shake. Jackson looked at Jungkook and he gasped loudly.

Jungkook had wings.

They were white

But they turned black


Mr Jeon sobbed as he tried to wake up Jungkook. But the youngers Black Magic only stayed. Along with that Jungkook stayed unconscious. Taehyung looked at Mr Jeon, his tears flowing "What's wrong...?" Taehyung asked and Mr Jeon let out a shaky sob. "taehyung, this is dark magic...It will slowly eat him up...Take him down, until he's gone, it's like a black hole that only wants him" Mr Jeon spoke "Your S-Saying...?" Taehyung asked "I'm saying...If this magic takes him....He'll not only die the most painful death possible...He will completely disappear out of existence....

I can't bring him back...With my magic anymore...."


Jackson gasped and looked at Jungkook shocked "What the

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Jackson gasped and looked at Jungkook shocked "What the..." he spoke "Your right Jackson....I'll never be good enough....No matter how sorry I am...It's not enough to erase the pain I've caused" Jungkook spoke "I'm evil....I'm weak...I'm stupid...I'm a coward ...I'm worthless" Jungkook spoke and Jackson just stood, for once in his whole entire life, he had no idea what to do. He just stared in shock, soon getting angry.

"Y-You think that getting black wings and dark magic will make you any better than you are then Y-Your even worse than horrible" he spoke "I mean you hit your husband...The one who loved you the most, the one who has been there for you" he spoke "I don't understand why a little dark magic makes you any better of a human being because from what I've seen, your horrible!" He spoke

"And your any better?" Jungkook spoke

And the war...The war between them was on.


Taehyung sighed sadly and sat down on the chair in the hospital room. He let a few more tears fall. He soon stared at the younger, the grave amount of black around him making taehyung was to grab the sun and throw it on him. He soon groaned and held his head tightly, Mr Jeon staring at him confused.

"Taehyung...." a voice faintly But familiar voice spoke, soon Taehyungs eyes widened "J-Jungkook!?" He asked "Thank you..." he spoke "W-What?" Taehyung asked "What for?" Taehyung spoke






It was just another hard punch at Jungkook. Whom just let Jackson beat him. He couldn't hurt Jackson...No matter how hard he tried his punches were like a small poke "YOUR THE MONSTER HERE JUNGKOOK!" Jackson yelled punching the younger again, blood pouring out of the youngers mouth "YOU HURT EVERYONE!" Jackson yelled "YOU ACT LIKE A COUPLE OF SORRYS AND KISSES CAN FIX EVERYTHING!" He yelled "OH AND LETS JUST CONTACT TAEHYUNG TO THANK HIM!" Jackson yelled "YOU KNOW WHAT JUNGKOOK!" Jackson roared


That's when it stopped.

Jungkook felt his whole body go into extreme pain. More blood poured out of his mouth, more black magic surrounded him. And Jackson just kept punching him. Jungkook was bruised, broken not only physically but mentally. He was in so much pain yet again physically and mentally.

He just wanted it to stop.

He wanted the suffering to end

Is body slowly began to get covered by the magic

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Is body slowly began to get covered by the magic....

It was at his chest....

"Taehyung....I love you"

He spoke

Before the magic swallowed him whole

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