Prologue: The Storm

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The ocean writhed and wrothed as the large ship crashed through massive waves. The crew of thirty humans and thirteen Pokémon were tossed fro to fro as the weather hammered the vessel. One man clung to the wheel, trying desperately to keep the ship from capsizing.

The yell of a man overboard could barely be heard over the roar of the wind and waves and the outline of two figures could be seen in the raging ocean as lightning flashed overhead. 

The youngest member of the crew barely managed to make it to the deck before a man with a Wooper atop his shoulder yelled, "Get back down there boy! You-!"

Whatever he was saying was lost in the wind as well as his Wooper, who was carried off into the ocean. The man cried out, but the Pokemon was already gone.

The captain of the ship, the one piloting the vessel, shouted, "SWAMPERT!"

He took one hand off the wheel and pressed a glowing ring to his mouth. "SAVE THEM!"

A glow surrounded the Mud Fish Pokemon before he transformed into a bulkier version of himself. He dove into the sea and a wave of water carried the two men and the Wooper back on the ship. Just as Swampert was about to climb back aboard, a wave crashed into him and he was carried away, taking the piece of the ship he was holding onto.

The boat creaked violently and the ropes went full taught. Then two of them snapped as thunder boomed overhead. 

One man holding onto the starboard side pointed towards the bow. "ROCKS DEAD AHEAD!"

A huge scraping noise filled the air as water poured in below decks. The boy came scrambling onto the deck, his blonde hair now plastered to his face. He cradled a small, faded emerald chest in his hands.

Several men screamed as a huge tidal wave rose from the port side before descending onto the boat and its crew. Their screams drowned away as the water slammed into them, carrying half of them overboard. The captain was thrown backwards by the force of the wave, slamming into the wooden railing behind him. It cracked and broke away, sending him down into the sea.

The main mast cracked and the boy and his chest were tossed against the captain's quarter's door. Another large wave rose into the air and crashed down upon the ship. A huge unearthly roar filled the air before all went dark.


The oldest of the Elders of the Moonlit Tribe gazed at the storm raging on in the distance. The daughter of the Tribe Leader stood next to him, staring intently at the storm.

"It's starting," she said as lightning flashed. "Just as the ancient texts said it would."

The Elder nodded. "Indeed, though the rest of the tribe will not welcome this change."

She nodded. "Nevertheless, everything is changing. No one can stop it. Not even my father."

The Elder rose from the rock where he sat and put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Go. Whatever the storm brings you must witness it."

She nodded before running down the rocky slope towards the tribe's village.

The Elder looked once more at the storm. "May the gods have mercy on us all."

Here it is! The book I've been waiting to start writing for so long. Yes, I know I'm already working on two other separate books at the moment, so why start a new one? Well, for one, Hero Born of Darkness is ending soon and I like to have my options open. Don't worry, a sequel is still in the works for HBOD. 

Anyway, this, like my Fate fanfiction, will be a shorter story than HBOD and its sequel. Only thirty chapters as far as I've planned. And yes, as the title suggests, this is only book one of a four or five book series. It's gonna be great, trust me. 

The idea behind this particular story came from the idea of someone getting stranded on a deserted island and having to survive. This of course evolved into a Pokefic idea and the island part became a region, hidden away from the rest of the world. I've got some pretty unique ideas for this story and I hope you all enjoy. (P.S. updates will likely be slow after the first ten chapters or so. Then again, I surprise even myself. Just don't put your hopes too high). Toodles

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