Chapter 19: Trial in the Heart of the Jungle

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I awoke on the stump, feeling refreshed. I blinked twice. It was night now. "What time had I fallen asleep at?"

I rose from my laying position, my feet touching the cool grass. Around the whole clearing the fungi were lit and the light seemed to soothe my soul. The night air was slightly warm, but comfortable. I couldn't even sense Sceptile's presence. The stars above twinkled, their beauty unhindered. 

I looked around, noting that both Xera and Luna were asleep. Xera had passed out on her stump while Luna lay in the grass, both breathing softly. I smiled at their peaceful faces. For some reason, being able to see them like that made me feel even more at ease.

"Hey," I whispered softly, placing a hand over the dog tags beneath my shirt while looking at the stars once more. "I'm in a real pickle now aren't I, brother?"

I imagined him up there, cocky smile brightened across his face. "So tell me, how are you going to get out of this little bro?"

"I don't know," I said truthfully. "To be frank, the only thing I can think of happening is my, no, our deaths. But maybe, just maybe, we'll survive through this."

"Then," I grinned with confidence and thrust a fist towards the sky. "Then I can truly survive. I will, I promised didn't I?"

I thought about Eric, Cera, Ven, and any others that had betrayed me. Although the pain was terrible, I couldn't feel any rage towards them now, not even to Eric who dumped my brother's body into that chasm. I remembered once Ryan had told me I had a gently soul, one that wasn't meant for conflict. 

"Somehow," I murmured. "Somehow I've been getting through this though. I won't let you down, I promise."

Something gleamed in the corner of my eyes. Eyes. I swiveled my head to face the trees to my left, my thoughts going directly to Sceptile. But, these yellow eyes felt different somehow. Not so much as hatred as curiosity. A breeze filtered by me, carrying with it a giggle. I strained my ears, wondering if I misheard that, but it flowed by me for a couple seconds before dissipating. It sounded like a little girl, but those eyes definitely didn't match that. Then they winked out and I felt the presence no more.

Dismissing it as my imagination, I laid back down on the log. I wasn't remotely tired, but I had nothing better to do. I turned my head to look West, looking at the Central Mountains in the far distance. How long would it take to get there on foot? Weeks? A month? I knew even if the three of us managed to get out of the current situation alive, we had a tough road ahead. Wherever we were going to go, the distance would be vast and difficult.

With sleep a long ways off, I thought of my past, a time that feels like a lifetime ago. The first time I had felt great pain. 


I sat by my window, looking out at the city. Factories continued to pump smoke out of them, men in dirty work clothes with umbrellas to block the rain walked along the cobblestone street. Life continued on as normal, but the thought of that only brought fresh tears to my eyes. 

"Dad," I whispered and I tasted my salty tears. I hunched over, my body spasming as I tried to keep myself from crying out. "Why did you have to leave me?"

I heard a knock on my door and I quickly wiped away my tears. I said in a twisted voice, "Come in."

Ryan opened the door, sporting a new haircut.

"So you're still going," I whispered, holding back tears.

He nodded. "I have to. Galar needs more support on the Eastern Front. With tensions between us and Kalos rising, I think it would be best to solve this conflict before we mend things with Kalos. Though I fear our relations have already been pushed to the limit."

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