Little troublemaker- or two?

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[*Time skip*]...

you were asleep in a delicate slumber and there was no chance of anything to ever disturb you now until- a wet liquid substance appeared from under the covers luckily for you no one was in bed with you. Usually Scrooge would always try and be the first to be in bed with you but unfortunately for him he had late nights again at his business work and stuff.......But for you, you couldn't feel the wet liquid substance until a huge strike of pain hit you straight through the stomach where the baby was, you were still trying to sleep but couldn't. You widened your eyes open instantly when feeling the painful pain again, you lift your whole body up and you clutched onto your belly and ache in terrible pain. "ahhh!!!, what the- Oh no!, my water broke..." you whispered the last sentence out while still struggling you panted rapidly as you tried to breath in and out but you couldn't help the pain. so you struggled to get off the now wet-comfortable-bed and then you screamed out in terrible pain again and called out Donalds name as loudly as you could. "DONALD! DONALD!" you repeated out loud and by that Donald came running straight in the mansion and then up to yours and Scrooges bedroom he then slammed the bedroom door wide open when hearing you holler his name out. "What!? What is it Aunt y/n!!!?" he panicked out when seeing you struggle on the bed he dashed over to you in a hurry and sweated a lot when trying to figure out the big problem. " that you.....?" you tried to say calmly but it ended out as a whimper. Donald nodded his head while still staring at you worryingly. "yes aunt y/n, oh my goodness- aunt y/n your leaking, do want me to call uncle scrooge?!" Donald panicked again as he almost went out to go to the telephone and call scrooge

but you then quickly stopped Donald by grabbing his hand in a swift move. "No... Don, i'm in labour......" you started as you breathed in more air you were a sweaty mess at the moment and Donald could see it, but didn't get the message. "umm.... what?" Donald said the last sentence cluelessly you then instantly widened your eyes at him and yell out. "I'M HAVING MY BABY!!!!, NOW DONALD!!!!!" you then cover your mouth shut while your eyes were still widened. "Did you think the kids heard me?....." Donald then gave you 'the look' and deeply sigh afterwards. "oh no..... i'm sure they didn't hear your loud outburst y/n....." Donald said sarcastically while crossing his arms together you and Donald then could hear shouting becoming louder and louder by the second. "Oh-oh....." you started as you quickly covered your ears while panting rapidly. the kids came tumbling into the bedroom while shouting in panic. "OH MY GOSH! Aunt y/n are you alright!" all 4 of the kids all said at the same time Webby was a bit confused at your panicking state. "y/n what's wrong?" Webby said feeling scared and paranoid at the same time the boys on the other hand were panicking so much like 'running in circles while screaming' which was not helping the whole situation you couldn't stand it so did Donald. so Donald tried to calm the boys down while trying to stay calm himself but kind of failed so you used up all your might into shouting out one last time. "EVERYONE BE QUIET FOR JUST ONE BLOODY MINUTE!!!!!" and while you finished everyone else was quiet even Donald. "yep that does it, i am calling Uncle Scrooge" Donald said while about to walk over to the door and out. you felt terrible all over again you tried to move from your spot but couldn't you were a trembling mess. your palms and fore-head were sweating, you could feel the egg about to come out, your hair was a total mess, you could feel tears rising up.

"No Donald please, i don't want him to wor-" you tried to finish your last sentence but Donald already came back while dusting his hands together. "well to late, i already called Uncle Scrooge" you then narrowed your eye lids at him while giving him a frustrated look. "worry...." you finished your final last sentence and heavily sighed afterwards. "how long did he say when you were on the phone?" you said a bit quevery and sore at the same time. "uhh i think hes on his wa-" then there was a loud slam that interrupted Donald. "way..." "WHERE'S THE LASSIE!!?" Scrooge shouted out in panic. "up stairs sweetie..." you said out as you held onto your belly trying to maintain the pain but that didn't turn out that well...

"oh my goodness- y/n darlin' are ye alright!?"  scrooge asked while seeming like he was about to take straight to the hospital. "yeah....wait... No! i need a doctor! right now" you say dramatically as you put a hand on your fore-head which was sweating a lot.


Scrooge's POV'

when 4 weeks occurred i was truly the most happiest man alive and ever to see my little- well baby egg. my beautiful amazing wife had recently gave birth to our baby duckling egg and there was nothing in the world to ever take this happiest moment away from me. "y/n dearie can i look at the little lass?, or lad?" i said in a kind voice while referring to my baby egg y/n smiled at me while shrugging her shoulders in a kind way. "sure go on ahead scroogey dear, you are the father after all" i then chuckled lightly while going up to y/n and kissing her on the cheek she only giggled back at me in response i chuckled again while walking into the baby room i was practically screaming to look at the little one but when i got in the room there was nothing there. "what? where did the lad, or lass go?" i asked while seeming stern but actually i was panicking i then heard a faint child giggle so i was thinking it could've been one of the kids. "huh?- what the- huey?, Dewey?, Louie?, is that you?" i asked practically feeling strange but not seeming like it

but then i heard another giggle but this time it got louder and louder like it was coming from a far distance but when the giggling figure was right now in my sights i was sure to find out what it was. so i ran over to it and picked it up and when i picked it up i couldn't see it properly and thurily since i was in a dark dimming part of the room so which prevented me to really see it but i could tell what it was but didn't really knew it would be true. "alright what are yo- OH MY GOD!" i yelled out loud on accident and by my loud voice it startled the little one as in my little born child i instantly hugged onto the little lass. 'oh my- me little troublemaker, look at you, yer adorable, just like yer mother heh" when i was chuckling the baby started to cry i was confused at first but then realised that i must of scared her when yelling out loud. "oh! don't cry, lassie..." i tried to calm the baby down but that didn't work at all. but then i heard a quiet baby coo so i went over to it and when i got over to the sound i widened my eyes in shock and surprise. "oh my- OH MY GO- oh sorry..." when i was about to yell again but only from surprise, i had forgotten that i was still holding the little one which who stayed quiet for a short while and then went back to weeping tears i then patted her back to try and make her calm her down again but still.... failed...

so i then instantly reacted to the whole situation and took everything over to y/n. "y/n!, y/n darlin'! look!" i yelled out one last time and ran straight into mine and y/n's bedroom and saw her relaxing in bed technically feeling a lot more comfortable now y/n then turned her head to me and gasped out. "oh my goodness! are those our- but its only been 4 weeks..." i then chuckled while staring at the little ones in my arms then back at my beautiful wife. "heh, well yeah i suppose so, but where did this little fella come from?" i said feeling confused at the other child in my arms i stared at the little lad confused but then gasped in surprise. "wait if you two were in the same room together then that would mea-" y/n then interrupted me. "there twins.." she said while seeming like she was going to explode with excitedness i was truly the same as well seeing that there are two little scroogey's here in my arms and well i couldn't keep back a little- well not really only a "HUGE" kiss on both of there adorable cheeks. "ohh... you two are so cute" i chuckled while repeatedly kissing there cheeks. "heh, yeah" i then smirked. "heh, yeah, just like you and your other adorableness to mention for later~" y/n then gave me a stern look while crossing her arms together. "har,har,har very funny scrooge....well i can't wait to tell everyone the amazing news!-" i then interrupted y/n. "wait- what!?, but what will happen if they take the babies away from me- I! mean us?" i said almost seeming a bit paranoid y/n only laughed at my comment. "nonsense, why would they take the babies away from us?" i then mumbled. "because they almost took you away from me......." i said while blushing a little and while still holding the little ones in a now firm hold

"what was that dearie?" y/n asked me while staring at me with a kind smile on her face and when i finally heard her voice say something i instantly widen my eyes and stared straight at her while smiling nervously. "Um! Oh! nothing my dear" she then gave me one her cute faces while still smiling. "oh good, can i at least hold them?" she asked me while narrowing her eye lids at me i only grinned at her and nodded my head nervously. "oh sure, of course, here you go y/n dear" she then smiled confusedly at me but still smiled at me happily. "Thank You Scroogey dearie"

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