Looking after the baby

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(A few weeks later)

"Oh hello my little munchkin~" you said as you kissed your baby daughters cheek. (D/n) giggled in response as she clutched onto your top part of your clothing. "Oh I see you've found mommy's shirt, heh" the baby looked confused as she then started biting and sucking on your top thinking it was food. And this made you confused. "Hey now, no biting mommy" you said playfully as you held the baby up in the air the baby seemed calm as she didn't do much. But she then started to stare down at you as she cooed you only smile as you then hugged the infant duckling in your arms. "I love you so much (D/n) darling" you said as you still held the baby in your arms.

Scrooge then came into the room and saw you and (D/n). "Aww... you luv our daughter more than me?" You didn't notice Scrooge when he came in the room. "Oh! Scrooge I didn't see you there" Scrooge chuckled as he went over to your side. "Heh, well what are ye doin today lass?" Scrooge asked as he stood over to you. You grinned as you then stared at your baby. "Just looking after the baby's is all" you casually say as you nibbled the baby's chubby cheek Scrooge hummed in response as he was about to go and kiss your cheek along with his eyes close. But you noticed it. And blocked it with the baby's cheek instead. Scrooge widened his eyes as he then narrowed his eye lids at the baby and then you. "Seriously..." Scrooge mumbled as he stared at you grumpily you shook your head as you closed your eyes. "Yes seriously, I don't want anymore distractions ok, especially from you, I just want to stay with the baby's for a bit hour longer ok" you say as you took the baby in your arms again Scrooge stared at you confusedly as he said. "But why? I thought a good distraction to Ye my dear..." Scrooge whined a bit as he moved closer to you. You smiled a little as you gave Scrooge the baby. "You are a good distraction darling, but not now ok. For now, you can look after (D/n) while I go check on (S/n)" Scrooge looked even more confused as he held the baby in his arms. "But Darlin, (D/n/n)(daughters nickname). Doesn't like me that much" Scrooge said out loud as he swatched you leave. "Oh hush you, you'll be fine, besides I'm just going to go check on (S/n)"

Scrooge then stared at the baby then at you and sighed deeply. "I know....." he said as he glanced at the baby. Surprisingly the baby didn't cry nor scream instead she cooed in confuseness as she tilt her head to the side Scrooge chuckled a bit as he stared at the cute duckling. "Heh, I guess y/n was right" the baby then started to laugh as she smiled at Scrooge. Scrooge smiled back as he said. "Oh little lassie" the baby then stopped smiling as she just stared at Scrooge confusedly. "Hey Uncle Scrooge!" Scrooge jumped in fright as he was still holding the baby in his arms. "Boys What in blazing are Ye- Don't yell in front of the baby" all the boys then both covered each other's mouths as they nodded there heads. "sorry" they all say as they whispered it out. Scrooge stared at them sternly but then sighed as he went back to staring at the baby. Surprisingly to Scrooge (D/n) still didn't cry. "Hey Uncle Scrooge where's Aunt y/n?" Dewey asked as he went over to his uncles side. Scrooge groaned as he stared back at his grand nephew. "Lookin'after little (S/n). Why?" Scrooge said as he stared at Dewey suspiciously. Dewey then quickly shook his head as he said. "Ohnothing!" Dewey said quickly. Scrooge didn't really make out what he was saying so he said. "What?" Scrooge said as he squinted his eyes at his nephew. "Um, What Dewey was trying to say Uncle Scrooge is. That we need to find Aunt y/n, because she called for us" Louie said casually and quiet suspiciously as he stared at his uncle and brother with a genuine smirk. "Did she just now? Well right now you three can't, she's busy at the moment"

All three of the boys frowned as they hunched there backs. "Aww...." Scrooge then scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Oh don't whine over something you can't get" the baby then giggled as she clapped her hand together in happiness. "Oh why don't you look at that, I think she likes you" Scrooge said as he referred to Louie,Dewey and Huey. "Aww, look, she looks so cute" Dewey said as he knelt down to the baby's level (D/n) laughed in laughter as she looked at Dewey and Huey but when she looked at Louie she giggled while reaching out over to him. Louie didn't know what to do he seemed confused and was panicking at the same time. "Umm, What is she doing?" Louie asked while staring at (D/n) in confusion. The boys stared at (D/n) as well and then Scrooge. "I think she wants you?" Scrooge said as he stared his baby daughter and then at Louie. "Oh, um well may I?" Louie said as he rubbed his hands together. Scrooge didn't really approve but did anyway. "Oh alright, fine Ye can hold her Louie, just don't drop her" Louie stared at his uncle completely confused as he raised a brow. "Ok.........." Louie said slowly as he was about to grab (D/n). And when Louie finally held (D/n) in his hands he grinned lightly as he looked at (D/n). She cooed as she smiled at Louie. "Aww I think she likes you" Huey said as he bud in. So did Dewey as they squished each other's heads against Louie's. They all stared at (D/n) as they smiled happily at her. (D/n) looked at each and every one of the boys and then sneezed cutely. All three of the boys all stared at (D/n) and awed in cuteness. "Awww~" the boys all said as they hugged (D/n's) little infant body.

Scrooge smirked as he watched the boys. "Alright I guess I could leave little (D/n) with ye lads" all three of the boys both all nodded there heads as they still hugged (D/n's) infant body. "Sure Uncle Scrooge we can take care of little (D/n) for you" Huey said while grinning at (D/n) Scrooge honestly didn't want to leave his little baby alone with the boys but then remembered that Huey's with them. "Just remember, the little lass doesn't really like too much of attention ok boys" Scrooge Warned as he stared at all four of the kids.

And when Scrooge left. All three of the boys sat down while now watching the baby crawl on the floor. They watched her in amusement as they had a smile on there face. "Uncle Scrooge won't worry too much right?" Dewey said as he stared at his brothers. They stared at there brother and shrugged there shoulders. "I dunno" Louie said as he then went back to watching (D/n). Huey and Dewey both then sigh as they both said. "Oh boy....." at the same time. "This is probably going to take a while" Huey said as he watched his little brother making silly faces at (D/n) (only to make her laugh of course). (D/n) laughed really hard as she clapped her hands together. Dewey narrowed his eye lids as he agreed with his older brother. "Yup.."

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