Untitled Part 27

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Zach POV 

Everything went silent. Adam was ruining my life, no way was I going to go to LA with my new band mates now. Is Kate really worth it? I am 16....she's just my first love and won't be my last. She isn't worth it, not woth loosing everything. 

"Kate we got to go to the police" I explained 

" They'll arrests you" Kate cried 

" How about Kate goes by herself?" Jack asked 

"Fine" Kate agreed 

the drive to the police station was long and silent, i was dropped about two blocked away from our nearest police station. As i walked those long two blocks i allowed my mind to wonder about what the police would say to me,, " Zach could have made you say that", "you have no proof" " why" emotions started to brew inside of me.

I opened the cold glass door into the precinct, al eyes were suddenly on me

"ma'am can I help you?" a tall women with her long black hair tied back in a tight pony tail turned to face me 

" Um well its a long story, but my brother told you that I was kidnapped, but I'm not" I tried to explain 

"Ma'am please come with me i need you to tell me exactly what happened" 

I followed her to a small desk

"Okay so why would your brother say you were kidnapped?"

"well, it's hard to explain but well my brother was hosting a party................

Time skip

"well ma'am this is quite a story" the officer said 

"but what proof do you have that this actually happened"  she pulled her chair in closer to the table

" I um.... couldn't you check security footage? from my house and my brothers?" I begged 

"we can look" she stood up and walked off 

i picked my phone um and dialed jacks number

*ring* *ring* *ring* 

"Kate?" Jack picked up

"what did they say" Zach yelled in the background 

"They said that we have no proof but they're checking security footage, i have a feeling we aren't going to know today" I rubbed the back of my neck 

"there has to be some sort of proof that my brother kidnapped me" I tried to calm zach down

"No Kate all we have is that footage" Zach yelled

"Zach don't yell at me" I raised my voice 

"now look whos the one yelling"zach mumbled 

i simply rolled my eyes and hung up

i knew not to push zach right now he had the right to be nervous,.


HI miss me :/

Well i was planning on not writing anymore but idk yet.... to me this story has gotten out of hand... but i do have ideas to get it back on track.. anyway i wrote this ages ago,, thought i might publish it... i havent checked it AT ALL so :)

Katie who?

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