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I hesitated for a minute, unsure of what the contents of his message might be. I mean when has he ever sent an actual message on snapchat instead of a picture. My heart sunk, i somehow knew what ever he had to say couldn't be good. I couldn't wait any longer... i opened it

"hey, i hope your okay, just wanted to check in.. after everything. I know its probably not the right time but I'm leaving for LA soon and i want to see you one last time" 

the words "last" stabbed me in the heart, the one person i felt like i could count on.. who really loved me for me, is leaving. 'Sure, where?' i typed quickly before shutting my phone. I slumped to the ground, my knees crashing onto the floor (like in one of them cliche romance movies... come on you know the one)  all the emotions I'd been bottling up came out all at once, tears flowing down my cheaks, i wasn't even sure what i was upset about. This was all just to much.. i can't handle this. Im only a kid. I glanced over at the mirror which leant against the wall, since i never found the time to hang it up, the same old weak girl stared back at me. All the improvements I'd made to my mental health, or all the improve Zach had made to ME. gone. My heart managed to sink farther, tears flow faster. What was the point of all this, my life has turned to shits. I turned to the window, that I had once jumped out of to escape my now boyfriend... or rather soon to be ex-boyfriend. I stood up, body shaking from all the crying, i walked over towards that same window. I struggled to open it, my body was to focused on the emotional pain i was going through. Somehow i managed to open it, i jumped out not even second guessing myself. Pain shot up through my legs, but i couldn't feel it, i walked towards the park at the end of my road. I heard the faint bing of the snapchat notification, but part of me couldnt be bothered to open it, however i did regardless. It was from Zach... i probably could have predicted that. 

"10pm, the park?" he said 


It was only 9:30 now, but the last place i wanted to be was home... i just wanted to be alone even if it was only for 30 minutes. 

I sat down on a small metal park bench, continuing to let the tears flow down my cheak... i felt numb to everything, i didn't care anymore


before long, i saw the faint sillouete of Zach walking towards me. It was clear he was wearing a hoodie and sweats. Such a casual outfits, pulled off so elegantly. 

"hey " he fell into the seat next to me. 

He looked at me, analysing my face, noticing the running mascara, my bright red eyes(yeah sis aint a cute crier... no ma'am) and sniffly nose. 

"hey, hey , hey.. nah nah don't cry" 

"great advice, i'll just stop then" i blurted out sarcastically

i placed his muscly big hand on my cheak, wiping away the tear. We sat there in silence for what felt like hours, but in reality was probably a mere few minutes.

"So, I'm leaving in a couple days" Zach broke the silence, pulling his hand away from my cheak

"yeah" i sniffled

"I know with everything you're going through it's probably not the best timing, but i think we should probably break up.." 

"yeah" even though i was expecting it, it still hurt. it felt like another blow to my already unstable mindset 

"I mean i'm going to LA and like our parents probably hate eachother now-" Zach tried to justify himself

"Zach... stop its fine"  i understood why... but it didn't mean it didn't heard

Zach hesitated before standing up 

"good-bye Kate" 

part of me wanted to chase after him.. pull him in a tell him no, don't leave me here, don't do it, but instead i sat froze tears still flowing down my cheaks and now i was alone. alone and broken. 

the faint sound o his footsteps lingured in my thoughts, was that the last i'd see of the first guy i ever loved. 

My body couldn't handle this anymore, i lay down taken up the full length of the bench, clentching to my thin jacket. rain began to splash my face. of course (more cliche hehe) it had to start raining, now i was cold, wet, scared, sad and alone. I have no one now, no one cares about me, i let these thoughts lingure in my head as i slowly drifted to sleep.


hi hi hi

yeah so like you know when i said id be back then i didn't.. well sorry uhm i have no excuses i just forgot :)

got some good ideas going for the next few chapters though! 

i guess thats my sorry present 

also though sorry for the many MANY gramatical errors... at least theres a chapter to read 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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