Chapter Two

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Harry and Louis stepped inside Dr. Goodwin's office and saw an overwhelming amount of happy families, all with the babies that must have been Dr. Goodwin's patients. While Harry was still looking around the room at all the pictures, while Louis introduced them both to the doctor. Harry was lost in thought when he heard Louis laughing at something the doctor had said, and he was suddenly bought back into realisation, and went to take a seat next to his model-like boyfriend. Louis took hold of Harry's hand, noticing he was extremely nervous, and also, Louis needed to feel Harry's touch as he too, was nervous, but unlike Harry, Louis was very good at covering it up.

"Harry, Dr. Goodwin was ju-" before Louis could continue his sentence, Harry heard a delicate, soft voice come from opposite them.

"Louis, please call me Rachel, we're all friends here, and we are going to be seeing a lot more of each other!" Harry glanced over at Louis and saw his cheeks begin to redden, why was he getting embarrassed? Harry reminded himself that it was a huge day for them, and he was probably just incredibly nervous.

"Right, yes okay, sorry." Louis quickly, trying not to sound so nervous, "So um, Harry, Rachel was explaining that there can be a lot of complications involved with surrogacy, such as the surrogate wanting to keep the baby-"

"But that won't happen with us will it? Louise knows how much this means to us." Harry said sounding worried and scared, and Louis had to give him a quick kiss on the lips to reassure him. The two boys heard a soft laugh from their doctor, before they turned to face her again, both blushing. Harry cleared his throat before asking the next question, "It does only happen rarely right?"

"Yes Harry, that does very rarely happen, but we still have to warn you about. Considering Louise is your friend there is a very small chance she will want the baby. Alongside the other complications that happen with birth, which I'm sure you have read about, and covered with other doctors many times, so I won't bore you with that now. I think you know this but I met with Louise last week to run some tests to see if she's able to have another baby, and the results came back fine, from what we can see, nothing should go wrong with the birth, or the baby development!" A huge sigh of relief escaped Harry and Louis mouths. This was the news they had been waiting to hear for nearly 3 months now.

* * *

After another hour of talking about babies and how the two boys needed to get prepared for birth, they were finally allowed to leave the hospital. Harry's remembered the fear he felt this morning, the thought that everything could go wrong, and a huge smile escaped his lips, because nothing went wrong today, and nothing would go wrong. He and Louis were finally going to start a family, and everything would be perfect. Harry suddenly felt Louis' fingers link with his and Louis' giving his hand a quick squeeze, before Harry looked up to face Louis, who was grinning widely.

"Harry we're going to be fathers, can you believe it? We're finally going to start our family, I've wanted this for months now. This is the best day of my life!" Louis nearly shrieked just as him and Harry reached the truck. "I know Louis! Nothing can go wrong today, absolutely nothing. I have to call Niall he'll be so excited and happy for me!" Harry said back, before pulling Louis into a tight hug and then kissing him, and more romantic than Louis had expected. "Harry..." Louis said breathlessly, "You only ever kiss me like that when you want two things, and I'm hoping it isn't you wanting me to go to art school again, I've told you I'm not leaving you for 2 years and only being able to see you in holidays, I can't do that." Harry sighed before replying, "I still do want you to go to art school Louis, I can rent a flat somewhere in Manchester, it wouldn't be too expensive, plus my mum would be willing to pay-" Harry was cut off by a groaning Louis "Harry, I wouldn't even enjoy it, now are you going to tell me what that kiss was for yourself, or am I going to have to say it myself?" Harry started to blush a little, knowing Louis knew what he wanted. "Louis do I have to say it, you already know what it is." Louis started to laugh, "Come on Harry, you sound so sexy when you demand me to fuck you." This time Harry started blushing like crazy, before snatching the keys out of Louis' hand, opening the truck and jumping in. Harry slammed the door still blushing like mad. He heard Louis laughing his head off from outside, before the door swung open and Louis sat in the driver's seat smiling his beautiful smile.

"Are you still not talking to me Harry? It's not embarrassing for you wanting your boyfriend to have sex with you, after all we did just hear the best news in the world." Louis sighed as he pulled up to their house, Harry had given Louis the silent treatment for embarrassing him in public like that. Of course Harry wanted to have sex with Louis, but he's never been good at asking, or particularly good at it, although Louis seemed to think the opposite.

"Fine, I'll talk to you again, but Louis, please don't embarrass me like that again, I really don't find it funny. But since you put it out there, yes I would like you to 'fuck' me." Harry almost shouted before exiting the car and walking up to the door. "Yes mister!" He heard Louis yell after him, "I'll do whatever you want me to do." Louis said before sweeping some of Harry's hair to the side and slowly kissing his neck, "Louis... please not out here." Harry said half moaning, "please just wait until we're inside." Louis chuckled against Harry's soft skin, sending shivers down Harry's spin, and making his hair stand up. The key turned in the lock and Louis stepped inside the hallway before pulling Harry inside with him. Harry slammed the door shut while Louis took off his shoes and made Harry do the same, before pushing Harry up against the wall, and passionately kissed his already parted lips. "Oh God Harry.." Louis whispered into Harry's lips before pulling him into the lounge, and pushing Harry onto the sofa. "Harry babe, sit up for me." Louis commanded Harry, Louis was always the dominant one, but he was never rough on Harry, he never wanted to hurt him. Also, Harry wasn't particularly good and 'talking dirty' or telling Louis how to pleasure him, so he had to take charge. Louis straddled Harry before beginning the kiss the overwhelmed boy again, somewhere in between tearing off Louis' top, and Louis throwing Harry's bandana across the room, the two boys had ended up on the floor of the lounge, in direct view of their next-door-neighbours.

"Louis we're right in view of everyone here, let's go upstairs yeah?" Harry said nearly completely out of breathe after that intense make out session. "Okay baby, do you want to top tonight?" Louis said, almost looking shocked at the words that had just come out of his lips. Louis always topped, they had never even tried with Harry topping, Harry had always seemed too nervous. "Louis... I want to, I really do, but I won't be any good, I've never done it before..." Harry said almost shaking in his skin. Louis planted a cute, gentle kiss on Harry's lips to try and sooth him, "I can help you with everything Harry, you don't have to be scared, and if you're finding it too, well, difficult I guess, we can just switch to me topping, but seriously babe, you have nothing to be scared about, it's going to be fine. I won't love you any less after." Harry sighed, before picking himself up off the floor, he always hated how nervous he got about having sex. He gave Louis a helping hand with getting up, before leading him upstairs to their bedroom. They made sure all the curtains were closed before Harry whispered into Louis' ear, "I've never wanted you more than I do now." Harry felt a warm hand fall onto his crotch, a shiver of pleasure ran through him, "Either have I, Harry" Louis whispered back, before walking over to the bed. Harry pulled off his shirt and trousers, and he started walking over towards Louis. He unzipped and undid the button on Louis' jeans, before pulling them off. He started kissing Louis neck, and then his mouth, before sliding his hands all over Louis' slightly chiseled body, Harry felt something rise up against the inside of his leg, and grinned into the kiss. "Harry please..." Louis whispered just loud enough for Harry to hear. Harry kissed his way down Louis' body, stopping at his boxer line. "I can't wait to taste you." Harry said gently, still grinning, before throwing Louis' boxers across the room.

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