Chapter Four

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Harry woke up with a head full of brown, soft hair tickling his chin. He gently ran his fingers through Louis' hair, trying not to wake his sleepy boyfriend up. Harry felt a warm breath against his chest, and heard a moan coming from the sleepy boy wrapped in up in Harry.

"Harry babe what time is it?" Louis mumbled into Harry's chest. Harry slowly unravelled himself from Louis, sighing as he did so, he never liked to stop cuddling him. He walked out the room and ran downstairs quickly, before walking into the lounge and picking up Louis' and his jeans, smiling at the memory of last night. He ran up the stairs, two at a time, and sat back down on the bed. Louis pulled himself up so he was sitting upright, and wrapped his tattooed arms around Harry. He traced the beautiful butterfly tattoo on Harry's chest, smiling a sleepy grin as he did so.

"It's 10am Lou, why did you need the time? Are you working today?" Harry asked, hoping Louis didn't have work today, he didn't want to be without Louis today, not after the amazing news they had been given. Harry heard a faint groan coming from Louis, and felt his arms unwrap from around his body, and watched him climb over his legs, and walk towards the closet.

"I'm sorry babe, I'm already 30 minutes late for work, I was meant to be at the parlour at half 9 so me and Zayn could start working on his chest tattoo before patients come. I promise I'll try and come home earlier today." Louis said, sounding annoyed by the fact he was late for work. He pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, and a Marvel shirt and a burgundy beanie. He sprayed on some deoderant and pulled his t-shirt on, before changing his boxers and slipping the jeans on. He shoved the beanie on his head and walked over to the mirror to make sure he looked good for work. Harry walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and rested his head on Louis' shoulder.

"Please don't go to work today Louis, I don't want to be without you today." Harry mumbled into Louis' right ear. "Harry babe, I have to go, why don't you call up Niall or someone to come over for the day?" Harry sighed knowing there was no convincing Louis to not go today. He pulled a pair of sweatpants from the closet, and pulled them on, along with a plain white t-shirt. Harry slowly followed Louis downstairs who had rushed into the kitchen to grab breakfast. He ran past Harry, almost forgetting to kiss him goodbye. He picked up the keys for the truck, and ran out the door. He jogged towards the truck and jumped in before starting the engine. As he set off towards the parlour, he let out a huge sigh, wishing he could spend the day with Harry, curled up on the sofa, watching movies until they both fell asleep, but he needed to work. He needed the money so he could buy a new car, even though Harry didn't want him to get rid of the truck.

* * *

"Zayn? Zayn are you here? Sorry for being late, me and Harry had an, um 'busy night' last night, must have over slept.. Mate are you here?" Louis shouted out into the, what seemed to be, empty tattoo parlour. Louis suddenly heard a crash from upstairs, and a familiar voice shouting out in anger. He ran upstairs to find his best friend, Zayn, had dropped a load of tattoo gun boxes.

"Shit Zayn these cost so much if you've broken any I don't know how we're gonna replace them!" Louis shouted, trying not to get too angry.

"Louis I'm so sorry mate, I must have tripped over my skateboard. I promise I'll pay for anything thats broken." Zayn said, scrambling around on the floor picking everything up. Zayn looked up at Louis and saw him cupping his face in his hands, looking angry.

"No Zayn, don't worry about it, if anythings broken we can just dip into our savings account and replace it, and I'm sorry about being late, mate." Louis said, releasing a massive sigh. He bent down and helped Zayn with picking the tattoo guns up. "Come on, we need to set up the studios before the first patients come." Louis instructed Zayn before heading over towards his office. He put the tattoo guns on the table in his office, checking none of them had broken, luckily, none of them had. He picked a simple black one before putting the rest in a cabinet. He started to get out some bottles of ink out before a handsome, teenage boy, covered in tattoos stepped into Louis' office. Louis didn't notice him yell his name, as his music was blaring loudly. He stepped forward towards Louis and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped out of his skin, and nearly screamed as he saw who it was standing before him. He grabbed the remote beside him and turned the music down.

"Calum!! Why are you here? I thought you moved to LA! It's so amazing to see you, what has it been, 4, 5 years?" Louis nearly shouted at the top of his lungs. Before Calum could reply he wrapped his arms tightly around the tattooed boy.

"Louis mate, hey! I missed you so much." Calum said letting go of Louis. "We need to catch up some time, but right now I really need you to fix up one of my tattoos."

"Sure Cal, it's what I'm best at! I'll just get the rest of the ink bottles out and you sort yourself out ready for the tattoo yeah? You know what you're doing right, you've had loads of experience with tattoos." Louis said half laughing, while getting the rest of the ink bottles out. "So mate, how come you're here, I thought you and the rest of the band were on your American tour?"

"We were, but me, Mikey and Luke got the tally tattoo on our wrist's, like Ashton's, and the guy who did them really fucked them up. I had no idea what to do, so when we got a few weeks off, I remembered you and your tattoo parlour, and I knew you would be able to fix it" Calum said, sounding pissed at the mention of the tattoo.

"Okay Cal, show me the tattoo and I'll see what I can do." Louis said, hoping it wouldn't take too long, he wanted to get home to Harry as soon as possible. Calum removed the wrist bands that covered his tattoo and showed Louis. He gasped at the green-blue tinge coming off the edge of the tattoo, he noticed the previous tattoo artist had filled the inside of the tally's with a weird cream coloured ink. The previous tattoo artist had really fucked this up, Louis was shocked considered it was only a small tattoo.

"Cal, I'm sorry dude, but I'm gonna have to put a design around it, or make it extra thick to cover the bluey-green tinge around it." Louis said, hearing Calum sighing.

"Well, it's up to you really Lou, whatever you think would work best. I trust you completely." Calum said, rubbing the tattoo. Louis grabbed a pencil, some paper and said, "pattern around the edges it is then." before getting to work designing the new tattoo.

* * *

It had been about 3 hours before Louis had completed Calum's tattoo, and 2 other patients. He looked up at the clock on the wall, sighing that it was only 1:30pm. He wanted it to be 6pm, he was missing Harry too much. After spending 2 weeks with Harry and only Harry, and suddenly going straight back to work where Harry was, was strange and saddening for Louis.

"Louis mate, you can go home if you want, I can take your patients. I don't have any left and you have 4 more to go, I need the extra money so I don't mind at all."

Louis jumped up out of his seat and gave Zayn the biggest hug ever.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!" Louis shouted back at Zayn as he ran down the stairs, grabbed his coat and shot out the door. He jogged down the street and opened the truck door before slamming it shut and starting the engine. He was so thankful to Zayn for clearing his day, Zayn must have knew he was missing Harry. Louis couldn't wait to get home to his beautiful boyfriend, and spend the evening cuddling on the couch until they fell asleep.

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