Chapter Five

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*2 months later*

"Louis.. Louis where are you we have to be at the hospital by 2pm. It's already 1 and it takes at least 45 minutes to get there! We can't be late again, plus Dr. Goodwin said she has some really important news! Seriously, Lou, where are you?" Harry shouted throughout his house, the last time he had seen was Louis was when he was trying to find his Boy London jumper, and his blue beanie. Harry suddenly hearrd a thud at the bottom of the stairs, and saw Louis come running through the hallway, into the kitchen.

"Louis babe are you ready, we really have to go now." Harry said, trying to calm Louis down as he spoke.

"Yes Harry, sorry for being panicky today, I just really want this to go well. Anyway have you seen the car keys?" Louis said, reaching out to Harry for a reasurring hug. Harry pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back. This had all Louis had been talking about for 2 months now. Louis was mainly doing this to make Harry happy, as soon as they both met, Harry had always said how we wanted to be a father. Louis only recently came around to the idea of them both becoming fathers.

Louis rushed over to the shoe rack, before grabbing a pair of black, run down vans and slipping them on. He took the keys from Harry's hands and grabbed his jacket that was hanging up on the hooks behind the front door. He unlocked the door, and pulled it open, before rabbing Harry's hand tightly and pulling him out behind him.

"Harry... what if its bad news? Dr. Goodwin didn't say whether it was bad or not, she just said it was important what if there-"

Harry cut Louis off saying, "Louis, I promise nothings gonna go wrong. I know how much you want this, for me mostly, and I have a really good feeling about this, it won't go wrong." A sigh fell from Louis' lips, and he thought that Harry must be right, it was probably news that it was twins, or something like that. He took a deep breath before taking a step up in his truck. He started up the engine, and Harry must of noticed his hands shaking, as he felt his warm hands intertwine with his. 

* * *

After a 30 minute drive, Louis and Harry finally reached the hospital. They climbed out the car, and gave each other a reassuring hug. Thoughts were flooding both of their minds, they had known so many people who had become pregnant, and none of them had ever had to be called in for "something serious that they can't discuss on the phone". The linked their hands together, with Louis rubbing Harry's thumb in reassurance. They walked into the hospital, checked in and sat down on the leather seats. 10 minutes later, their names were called, and after a few deep breaths, they stepped inside Dr. Goodwin's office.

She gestured to them to sit in the two sits next to her desk, Louise was sitting opposite them, she seemed to have tears falling down her face. Harry nudged Louis and pointed at her right leg, which was in a pale pink cast. Harry's hands began to shake with fear. 

 "I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this, you really don't deserve this at all boys, but something has happened with the baby-"

Harry's mind went blank, everything around him at stopped moving. He could feel tears forming in his eyes, but he couldn't do anything to stop them from falling. He couldn't hear anything around him. He looked to his side and saw Louis with his head in his hands, hunched over, clearly crying. Louise opposite them was crying as well, it wouldn't have been surprising if Dr. Goodwin started crying. Without knowing what Dr. Goodwin had said, Harry knew they had lost the baby. There must have been some sort of accident that Louise was in, that would explain the cast and the stratches on her face. Before Harry could stand up to leave, he saw Louis running out the door and through the hallway, before rushing into the toilets. He quickly followed him, only to find him throwing up in the toilets. He kneeled beside him, and started stroking his back.

After being sick a few times, Louis stood up and went to wash his face and hands in the basin. He turned to Harry, and hugged him, feeling Harry's tears make a wet patch on his jumper. They walked slowly out into the car park, and in pure silence drove back to their house. Louis fumbled around with the keys in their house lock, finally opening the door. As soon as they got inside, Harry went straight for their drinking cabinet. Knowing Harry's dads past, he should have stopped him for ever having that first drink, maybe things would have turned out different. Louis still blames himself for everything that happened, which started with that first drink. 

Harry took a bottle of gin from their cabinet, and poured himself a large glass. He knew he shouldn't really be doing this, since his father was an alcoholic, and he had always been warned to start drinking loads, in case he developed alcoholism,  but today Harry really didn't care. He just wanted to numb the pain, and drown himself in alcohol. He saw Louis slip upstairs, probably going to sleep, thats what he always did when he was hurting. His instincts told him to go and cuddle with him to make them both feel better, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He settled down on the soft, brown leathered arm chair, and began his first drink, and then his second, third, and fourth. By his fifth glass of gin, he could barely lift it to his mouth, he was too drunk. He put the bottle on the table, and accidentally dropped his glass on the floor.

"Fuck!" Harry yelled loudly, clearly waking Louis up, as Harry turned around to see his boyfriend, with messy hair, and his eyes still sleepy. He walked over to Harry, giving him a reassuring hug, and telling him that everything was going to be fine, but Harry was acting differently. He pushed Louis away, making him knock into the wall. Louis started to cry, he had never seen Harry like this. Before Louis could get up, Harry started yelling at him;

"Why did this happen to us Louis? You should have stopped us! You chose to do it at this time its your fault the baby has died its all your fault! You should have stopped us from having the baby now. You should have stopped us, you should have stop-"

Harry fell to the ground, ending his rant, and he began to cry. Louis got up, and walked over towrds his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around him.

"Harry, it's okay to be angry at me. We've just lost our baby, but I swear this will get easier. I forgive you for this, it's natural to blame it on the person you love the most. It's going to be okay one day, I promise, no matter what happens to us, everything will be okay in the end. Now come on, lets get some sleep, it might make us feel better. Well, I hope it will."

Louis stood up and offered Harry is hand. A sigh of relief fell from Louis mouth, as Harry grabbed his hand. Louis helped Harry up the stairs, and into the bathroom, and made him wash his mouth from the alcoholic smell, with some mouthwash, before helping him across the hall and into their bedroom. He helped Harry get changed into sweatpants, and took him towards their bed. Harry climbed in, and snuggled his way into Louis' chest, with tears still streaming down his eyes. Around 15 minutes later, the two boys had fallen asleep, hoping everything would be good when they woke up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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