The Yesteryears

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We were children in a daze of poetry and stardust, drinking in the morning mist, our growing addiction to sunrise bringing morning sooner, woke us up earlier, earlier, we never slept. I can still taste the first light of dawn, I can feel the first chill of winter in my bones. It was grey and blue and dull, dull, gold; a painting of my childhood now splattered in red.

And now I stare at her and wonder, what have I done?

Lying there with her eyes softly closed, the blood wiped clean. Like she's only sleeping. Like her heart isn't stopped in her chest.

Like she's only sleeping, and maybe soon she'll wake up.

What have I done?


Dear Rain Coaty,

Sorry I didn't write to you sooner, it's been so, so, SO busy. Get this, they have HOVERCRAFTS here! We took one to our new house. Well, it's actually an apartment, which means it's like a house stacked on top of other houses. But not as weird as you're imagining it. I went to an orientation two days ago for Sacoryx arts school, and I think I'm going to get in. I probably won't yet go for at least a couple of weeks, though, since we're not even proply unpacked, yet. Oops, sorry, ignore my terrible writing, it's really late and I'm so tired. Maybe I'll finishes write this letter tomorrow. Yeah maybe that.

Did you go to the market this week? Your mamma said she'd take you to see all the new stalls for the year, right? Tell me about every one!
They don't have markets here, but they have shopping centres, where all the produce is inside and they can fit even more than the biggest market you can imagine.
Really, everything is bigger here. There's not a wooden cottage in sight, only huge metal and glass buildings like this apartment I'm in.

Dad's already found ways to learn more of his fighting stuff, you know he's an adrenaline junkie! He's not giving me break, either, but at least that's normal. It's not the same without you here to beat me, though.
To be honest, it's pretty weird not having you around. Every time I sit on the counter I'm waiting for you to laugh at me. Actually, the other day I was painting and just started talking, only to glance over my shoulder and realise you're not there! Damn, writing that down makes me seem so hopeless. Oh well, I probably am.

Anyway, hope you're doing great and not missing me too much! Write back as soon as you can!

Missing you,


Dear Sneaks-Sandles,

So glad you finally wrote! I was beginning to think you weren't going to.

I'm sure I'm imagining stacked houses very differently to what they are, I wish I could see them! Oh, and nice try. I know the city is fancy and all, but did you really think I'd believe there are hovercrafts? As if, you liar!

About your school, I knew you'd get in! Sacoryx would be crazy not to have you, you're the best artist in the whole wide world - and you can believe that because I'm not a liar like you.

Anyways, don't exhaust yourself! Remind your dad that you've got school work now so you can't train as much, he might give you more breaks that way. Ha, I'm sure my days of besting you will be well over now that you'll have city training. But maybe I'll still be faster than you, we'll see.

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