The Agreement

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I've never before felt like I've done something incredibly wrong. But when I wake in a dark alleyway with a splitting headache, I know: I have made a terrible mistake.

"What's going o~"


I shake my groggy head and blink a couple of times, the tall figures around me coming into view. Six and Three, watching me carefully. Six still has a finger to his lips from shushing me. That's rich, coming from him.

"Are you feeling alright?" Three asks softly, "The device Seven used to, well, knock you unconscious, has been known to have a couple side effects."

"Like headaches?" I whisper back, rubbing my temples. How could he do this to me?

"Yes, also: nausea, temporary memory loss, panic, and occasional aggression," Three adds.

"I definitely don't have any memory loss," I say, frowning a little. I remember exactly what Seven did. "Where is he, anyway?"

"Seven's on the roof. Said you probably wouldn't want to see him when you woke," Six says, "Plus, he's checking with Nine and the others- they'll be keeping a lookout from up there. Mount Blue will be here any moment."

I look up to see a dark silhouette atop the nearest building - a halo of moonlight gleaming in his hair. I pull myself to my feet, the dizziness fading as I look around. This looks like any other part of the city.

"Where are we?"

Six gestures down the alleyway. "Just round there are the gates to Sacoryx. We're not going in until we know what we're in for."

"For some reason," Three says to Six, "I vaguely recall you being instructed not to relay every detail."

Such a polite way to tell Six to shut his mouth.

In a gust of wind, Seven is suddenly right there with us. I look wildly around, back up to the rooftop, then at Seven.

"Did you just... jump?" I ask incredulously. He only gives me a small nod and turns to Three.

"Where's Mount Blue?" he asks quietly. I'm still reeling. How is it possible that he's still alive? He just jumped off a giant building onto solid ground! Is that his ability? Jumping off things? Or can all of these half-machine operatives do that?

"We're here," Neptune says, walking calmly out of the shadows. Zion lingers silently behind her. Have they been there the whole time? Maybe Isaiah was right, and I really am getting involved in something dangerous.

"Are you alright?" Six asks. It takes me a second to realise he's talking to me. "You look pale. Or, paler than usual."

His golden eyes glint in the shadows as he steps closer, an arm outstretched. I step away and something hits my back, startling a small yelp out of me. Three's on his knees immediately, grabbing my hands even when I try to pull away.

"Relax," he says, his voice washing over me in a wave of calm, "You're safe. We're not going to hurt you."

"Is she... scared of us?" Neptune asks, looking down at me. Her bright eyes and silvery lips are curved in harsh lines. Her voice is cold and menacing.

"No, of course not," Three soothes, more to me than to Neptune, anyway, "She's just reacting to Seven's little device from earlier," he gives Seven an accusatory glance, then is all serenity when he looks at me, "We've given her no reason to be afraid. She's safe with us."

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