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Randy's alarm went off at 5am not for class, but to get on their plane on time. He went downstairs to find Chip and Johnny already talking. "Looks like someone's finally awake." Johnny said in a teasing manner. "Omg when I told Javier we were going to to Vegas he batshit thought I'd let him do illegal shit." Johnny laughed trying to contain himself. "Javier sure is something alright." Said Randy grabbing a yogurt from the fridge. "I know what you mean. He's part of the reason why we get in trouble, Of course he'd make excuses like "oh I'm edgy"
"Fuck off I'm homo" which makes me cringe to say the least" Chip said. "I had my reasons to break up with him a year ago." Johnny said. "Yeah, no kidding I'm mean I'm not turning my back on him cause that's not who I am, but he's a handful we love him though" Chip exclaimed. Randy licked the rest of the yogurt from his spoon as he smirked at Johnny. "Oh my lord get a room!" Chip said as he drank his orange juice. Johnny chuckled as he smirked at the little boy.

~ Time skip ~
The boys have finally got themselves a fancy hotel in that Vegas area. It was current 2am and they just got off their flight. "Damn that was long as fuck!" Said Chet. "Well, yeah our flight got delayed many times and we live so far away from here Randy explained.
They were walking on the side walks as the lights off the building reflected off the clear water. Javier smirked as he broke the calm mood of the group. "LETS PARTY AND GET WASTED!" Screamed Javier
"Jesus I was just hoping to get a nap then have some fun tomorrow night." Chip groaned in exhaust. "Yeah, let's wait till tomorrow Javier" said Johnny. Javier sighed as they continued to walk. "Oh come on! Don't you want to explore the hotel?" Chip said as he was taking pictures with his Polaroid camera. "Chip stop being such a hipster." Javier groaned while rolling his eyes. "I'll stop when you stop acting like a stupid teenager." The group laughed at Chip's comeback as they made their way to the hotel. Chet was still trying not to laugh covering his mouth. Randy and Johnny held hands as they made their way to the hotel. Reggie got so excited he ran to the elevator. "COME ON GUYS!" Randy leaned closer to Johnny's ear as he tried to keep quiet. "Is Reggie autistic?" Johnny tried not to laugh as he nodded. They went up the elevator and opened the door with the key. Randy flopped on the bed as he looked out the window. "This had to be expensive how much was this room?"
"$500 a night but like I said it's fine I can afford it." Johnny said laying his head on the pillow. "Damnnn Johnny you're crazy!" Javier said while hiccuping and giggling." Johnny smacked his hand on his face as he rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Javier you're seriously drunk right now how?!" Javier smirked as he began to explain. "Well, while you guys were walking to the hotel I went to buy some vodka!" He thew the bottle on the floor as he laughed on the floor. "Omg wtf! Someone clean this up and give Javier a sleeping pill!"
"Fine, fine I'll do it" said Javier who cleaned up everything and took a pill to fall asleep. He then flipped off everyone.
"That guy has some serious issues.." said Johnny as he picked up the vodka and grabbed a whine class on the hotel's nightstand. Reggie gasped as he saw Johnny grab the vodka. "Calm the fuck down I'm not getting drunk I'm only drinking one glass." Chip took a look at some of the photos he took from his camera as he smiled. "Guys check this out! These turned out great!" Randy ran over to see Chip's pictures. "Wow you're right great job!" Chet snickered in the background "hipster"
"STFU" said Chip who was irritated by the whole hipster name calling. "Hey calm down everyone and to be fair Chip you are a hipster so just accept it already." Johnny said coldly while drinking. Chip smirked "alright fuckers sure have it your way." Javier finally fell asleep as everyone was silently cheering. Randy got up as he headed to the door "guys I'm going to go to the lobby to get a snack." Johnny set down his wine glass as he followed Randy. "I'll go with you." Randy scratched his head as he blushed. "Are you sure I mean it's just a quick walk." Johnny lifted Randy's chin up with his finger and smirked. "I know but I wanna be everywhere with you baby boy"~
Randy blushed harder as Johnny picked him up. They then left leaving the rest of the group. "I swear they're probably going to have sex behind the vending machine." Chip said sarcastically while he was looking through his pictures. "Hey Chip why don't you actually use that camera for good use for once?" Said Chet chuckling. "What do you exactly mean?" Chip questioned while raising an eyebrow. "Take porn pictures of Randy and Johnny!" Chet started to laugh his stomach was hurting. "No way! Expose my precious camera to such a sin!"
"Oh come on remember when you were drunk and took a picture of your own dick!" Said Chet
Chip rolled his eyes. Chet was so immature it wasn't even funny. All Chet would talk about is sex, Javier had some weird obsession with drugs, and Reggie was just plain retarded. If Johnny wasn't in the group he'd probably go mad. Johnny was also immature but he had his limits. Sure, Johnny was narcissistic but he wasn't straight out annoying. Chip set down his camera on the nightstand as he tried to get some sleep. Chet and Reggie were still drinking and talking about some kind of nonsense while Johnny and Randy were getting snacks. This Vegas trip sure was something already.

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