The Farm

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Asher stood in the middle of a massive field, swaying buffalograss paired with towering fescues that stretched up over her head and made whispering swishes in the breeze. The setting sun burned the sky orange and purple, a few brave stars twinkling in the shades. Boots crunched through the grass behind her and she figured it was Daryl coming to see if she was alright out there by herself. She was instead surprised to see the floppy hat and rifle of Dale beside her instead of the Dixon she knew.

"Saw you out here alone and figured you could use some company for a little bit." Asher shrugged and turned her gaze back to the rolling horizon, sky blue eyes looking like blazing ice in the setting rays.

"Where's Dixie?" It took the older man a second to realize she meant Daryl.

"He went back out looking for anything new for Sophia, said he'd be back before dark. Why are you out here alone, kiddo?" Asher shrugged limply and knocked against the bottom point of the bow he gave her.

"I couldn't be in the house, I won't watch Carl die."

"He's in good hands, between Rick and Hershel and his family it'll be quite the miracle if he was to die. Plus Shane and Otis left to get other medical supplies not too long ago. They should be back any second now. It'll all work out, trust me." The blonde girl snorted lightly at his word. Trust.

"I'm not big on the trusting thing if you haven't noticed." Dale chuckled and nodded, he knew fairly well how untrusting she was around anyone but Daryl Dixon.

"Yeah, I noticed. Though I'm not sure why you picked Daryl Dixon of all humans left in the world."

"Why do you trust Shane?" She turned to face him with a raised brow. The gears were whirling so fast in his brain she wondered if he may explode from sheer overload.

"He saved our lives. Many times over." Asher nodded her head and moved back to her previous statue stance.

"Then I don't see why you're questioning why I trust Daryl. Shane's not a good person, he makes my skin crawl and sets off every alarm in my head. I wouldn't trust Shane Walsh with shit, and most definitely not my life." The sun began to dip below the far hills, the once burning orange of the sky dampening into hues of blue and purples and the waxing moon climbed up to take the star's place. Without another word, the two turned away from the sunset and trekked back for their camp of tents not too far from the big farmhouse. The crickets began to sing by the time Daryl returned from his search through the woods, still empty-handed.

"I ain't givin' up yet." He grumbled to the shaky and despairing Carol, who immediately ran for her tent to hide out for the night. Andrea was swift to follow her to offer a shoulder to cry on. As late as it may be getting, nobody planned on sleeping until they got word that Carl would be okay. The faint sound of tires crunching through dirt caught Asher's ears and she sat up to find the source.

"What's up, Asher?" Glenn whispers as the girl pushed to her feet.

"I'm not sure. I'll tell you in a second." She took a running start and launched up to catch a low branch and starting scaling the big oak for a vantage point. Poking her head through the leaves, she caught the flash of headlights swerving around a bend racing right towards them. She clambered back down and landed with a few steps to ward off the jarring pains.

"It's a car. Not sure who." Everyone jumped into movement to prepare for the worst, guns clicking in the twilight like musical spoons. The blonde girl was tugged close to Daryl's side, both standing close to the thick trunk to blend into the darkening environment. Rumbling filled the air louder by the second until the vehicle swerved by, making a wild beeline for the farmhouse.

"That's the truck Otis and Shane left in!" The driver door swung open and half the group held their breath when the passenger side didn't follow suit. Boots clomped into the dirt and shuffled around for a second before the door slammed shut, shining the wan porch light on the survivor of the run for Carl's life.

"Shane! He made it!" Andrea had returned from Carol's tent when the truck roared by and almost shouted in her excitement about his return. A heave of relief swept through the group and most of them took off running for the house. Rick stepped out on the porch, Hershel in tow as the first few reached the wood. Asher had decided to simply walk towards the house- her and Daryl both.

"Where's Otis?" The elderly man spoke over the murmurs of the group, piercing eyes boring into Shane for an answer. The man dipped his head for a second before clearing his throat to speak.

"He didn't make it. We were both injured so he said he'd cover me and give me a chance to get back. He saved my life so I can save Carl's." A thin veil of sadness spread across the group and Hershel, but now wasn't the time to mourn. He took the medical supplies from Shane and the two men moved back into the house as the other herded around Shane.

"Are you absolutely sure nothing bit or scratched you?" Dale spoke over the others. Shane nodded and plopped down on the porch steps. Once the fuss calmed down, the others slowly found their own places to wait for the news on Carl. Daryl and Asher pushed by Shane and Andrea on the steps to find a railing to perch on.

The man looked up as the girl moved up the steps, their gazes locking with mutual dislike. She stepped up on the porch and trailed the man across the space to a less populated side. Asher leapt up to lean against a support pole as Daryl stayed standing against the same beam. The Dixon man had his arms crossed, so she reached up and gently traced random patterns in his shoulder and neck. He turned to look at the quiet girl beside him.

"Bored?" She slowly shook her head no.

"Worried. For Carl. He's a good kid." Daryl nodded before reaching out to tug on her hair gently.

"He's in good hands. He'll be okay."

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