Bogeyman Dances

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Rick and Daryl skulked around the outskirts of an abandoned mill house and silos. As the two of them made their way to the appointed place, Asher perched up on a silo top with her crossbow and weapons. She also had a walkie-talkie that let her talk with Daryl on the ground.

"So tell me again, why am I the one acting lookout?" The walkie clicked and she waited for Daryl's snap remark.

"Remind me again, which of us is still healin from not one but two gunshots? Oh right, you. Yer lucky to even be comin along. Ain't this supposed to be an emergency line?" Asher snorted and rolled her eyes before clipping the walkie to a belt loop.

"That was a while ago, Dixie. I'm fine." After a few minutes she heard the faint revving of an engine down the road and she scoured the surroundings looking for the source. Spotting a tan army truck, she held her hands together and blew air through to make the small hoots of an owl to let the others know there was incoming. Asher then pulled on leather gloves and used them to slide down the railings of the ladder down until she hit the dirt.

Moving to the second place she was told, Asher climbed up on the rooftop as quietly as she could. She recognized the blonde ponytail of Andrea as she jumped from the truck and headed for the shack. Next to step out was a tanned man with an angry face and then a man with small spectacles and a notebook.

"Why's yer boy already inside?!" The girl took quick aim to make sure her sight was true before she sighed and dropped her chin on her arm. She was there for extra back-up, the secret sniper in case things went south and they needed the leverage. Asher heard walkers growling behind her, knowing that Daryl heard it too when him, the angry man, and Andrea followed after them. She gently rolled across the tin rooftop and fit the toe of her converse into a few rusted out holes before leaning over the railing to watch the trio approach the walkers, only to roll her eyes at the sight of Daryl and the other man having a contest about who could kill the walkers better.

"Men and their need to see who's the bigger alpha." Asher made a shrill bird call, her way of making fun of Daryl. The tanned man looked up at the sky, brows furrowed in curiosity for the call.

"Never heard that bird before." Daryl knew what it was and what it meant, the man rolled his eyes at the implied tease.

"That's a mockingbird." The two shared a cigarette pack in silence, the Dixon brother looking up at the edge of the roof every so often. Asher must be getting bored right about now. He doesn't blame her, he's already bored down on the ground.

"You know, this treaty thing won't last. Yeah, they'll do their dance but tomorrow or the next day. They'll give the word." Daryl chewed his lip and nodded.

"I know. I'm surprised yer Governor even cares about takin out a group like us, what with that Blood Rogue my brother told me 'bout." Asher smirked at his words, if they only knew that the infamous monster they were hunting for was just a few feet above their heads.

"The Governor thinks Blood Rogue is one of you guys, I think it was just a story Zero told just to spook us off of killing him on sight. Blood Rouge ain't nothing but a boogeyman tale." Daryl shrugged and took the last drag of his cigarette before putting it out and throwing it down on the dirt. The door to the shack opened and Rick stepped out, jolting everyone into standing up and running back up to the front.

"Time to go." Daryl and Hershel nodded before the Dixon let out a quick whistle for Asher to come down from the rooftop. She stood and moved to the edge before dropping down on a connector piece to a silo and then to the ground a few feet down. As she stepped out of the shadow of the silo, a group of four walkers shuffled up behind her.

"Asher, behind you!" She drew Lostvayne and whipped around to slice off the top half of two of their heads. Dropping her crossbow, she cleaved another in half and ducked when she heard the twang of Daryl's crossbow. She cleaned off her sword and sheathed it before picking up her crossbow, instantly firing and killing a walker that had shambles around their army truck- the arrow just missing the man with the spectacles.

"You almost killed me!" Asher rolled her eyes and yanked the arrow from its skull, sliding it in her pocket to put it back in the arrow calibers later.

"Don't be a pussy, I saved your life. Yer welcome, butler." The tanned man snickered at her jab and watched her move to stand by Daryl. She fought the urge to skim her fingers over the arm of the man beside her, but she knew that if she made any form of affections visible to these people they would exploit it.

"Where'd you come from, pretty thing?" She glared at the tanned man, her finger curled around the trigger of her crossbow.

"This lovely little place called the depths of hell, care for a visit?" The man bit his lip visibly and scanned her over like she was cattle for sale or a hanging piece of meat.

"Cute and feisty, I like it." She glanced over when she saw how close to exploding that Daryl was. Asher threw her arm over the man's shoulder and patted the bare skin.

"And just how old do you think I am, mister gunman?" Martinez bit his thumbnail and glanced over at Daryl, easily reading his thin efforts to hide his seething anger.

"Does age really matter in a world like this?" Her smirk grew wider and her icy eyes grew devious.

"I think it does. Especially since I'm only like fourteen. And you're what... forty?" Asher sucked on her teeth as she watched his eyes grow wide in sock. Rick called for them to leave and they started to turn away and follow the cop.

"Can I at least get a name? Just in case I feel like waiting." Asher stopped and turned back to the man, her devilish smirk becoming a full-blown Cheshire Cat grin.

"Me? You can call me Blood Rogue."

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