Chapter 1

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Ashton POV

"You have a choice to make. The both of you. If only one life can be saved, who do you want it to be?"

That was it. She was gone. I needed time to think, it was all too much. I needed Stella in my life, and I couldn't have someone running around trying to kill her. The hospital had a little garden that you could walk through, so that's what I decided to do with my time. Millions of "what ifs" flooded my mind. What if Stella didn't make it? No, she had to, she's too strong not too. What if the baby was hurt? No, I can't think like that, it's going to be okay, it has to be. A buzzing noise woke me from my trance, it was a text from Luke wondering where the hell I had gone. I looked at the clock realizing it had been about 2 hours since I went to take my call. Getting up and turning around I walked straight through the hospital doors and walked towards Luke.

"I know who did this. I know who hurt Stella. I swear to god I will kill her. Someone get her thrown in jail. I swear if they-"

"Ash, Ash calm down!" Luke shouted over my yelling. "Calm the hell down mate, what's wrong?"

"She fucking tried to hurt Stella," I said grinding my teeth together.

"Can I have a little bit more of an explanation please?" Luke said raising his eyebrows.

"Danni," I exclaimed. I wasn't aware of how much my voice was rising, "she hired a god damn hit man who tried to kill Stella because she is pissed off at me for breaking up with her!"

A petite young nurse came up to Luke and I. "Um, I'm sorry, I hate to interrupt this conversation but Stella Anderson has made it out of surgery and is awake. I believe she has someone she wants you to meet."

I looked at Luke with wide eyes, which he returned.

"So if you'll follow me this way," she said gesturing down the hallway. I turned to get Calum but we was already out of his seat, I looked around to try and find Kenna but couldn't see her.

"She left," was all Calum said as he walked past me following the nurse.

I quietly followed the boys and the nurse down the long hallway. I couldn't help but glance into the other rooms along the way. Some people barely breathing, others alive and well, chatting with family members. As we arrived at Stella's room the nurse opened the door allowing us inside.

There was Stella, my eyes scanned her body, I stared into her eyes for a moment and saw that they held almost no sparkle. I noticed the stitches down the right side of her hair line along with some buising down her arms. What took me a second to notice was the small human wrapped in a blanket cuddled into her arms.

Luke was already by Stella's side, that was when the sparkle came back, I couldn't hear anything, all I noticed was the baby in the pink blanket. It was the way Stella looked as she talked about the baby to Luke. I also noticed the way Stella smiled so wide as she handed the baby to Luke. Luke held the small child with such a gentle grasp. He admired the baby as he looked between her and Stella.

Calum had pulled up a chair next to Luke and was now cooing to the baby. I couldn't stand there any longer, it just didn't feel right. I felt like I didn't belong there. I turned to walk out the hospital room door. I mentally counted to myself "one step, two ste-"

"Ashton," Stella's voice came from across the room, "would you like to meet your daughter?"

Soooo, it's been how long? Exactly 3 months, and boy have we missed you guys☺️ we can't wait to show you what we have in store for this story!

Love you all bunches,


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