Worried and Scared

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I met Sarah at my locker after 6th hour and we walked to where the bus was supposed to be, but it was late. We waved our goodbyes to the others. We jumped on the bus when it finally came. We went back to our usual seats. As soon as we sat down Dominik and Trevor cam down the isle. "I'll miss you seats" Dominik yelled, everyone stared. "I'll miss you bus driver!"  Our driver looked up into the mirror and gave him a strange look. "I'll miss you annoying 6th and 7th graders!" They all turned around and gave him mean looks. "And I'll miss you back seat!" Trevor and Dominik pounded down the isle and sat down in the back seat. Dominik hugged the back seat and fake sobbed. "You're a retard you know that?" Trevor pulled Dominik off the seat, laughing. Sarah turned around and faced Dominik. "What's wrong with you?" She asked. "They still haven't Mackery, their forcing more house tests... we're all gonna die!" With that Dominik fell to the floor. Then he slowly got up, limping  over to Trevor, grabbing his head. "Brainssss."  He stuttered, pretending to bite Trevor's head. Dominik sat back down in his seat, everyone was laughing.

Me and Sarah separated at our bus stop. We said bye, and walked to our own sides of the street.

I walked inot the house, threw my backpack on the stairs, slipped my shoes off and jogged to the living room. i grabbed the TV remote and switched to the news channel. Because the bus was late the news is already half-way over. The blonde newscaster spoke first.

"Because of this very dangerous outbreak, professionals will be coming to houses all over the surrounding states to perform tests. These tests are quick and simple, when they to your house please cooperate with them, this is for your safety." I whipped my phone out. The rest of the news report was drained out by the sound of me texting the news. Everyone already watched it. We were all confessing that we were scared and worried. I pictured myself being stuck with needles and  being poked and proded. What would happen if someone didn't pass the tests?

After i watched my news feed on Facebook blow up and trending topics on Twitter change to match the news, I went up to my room.

I brushed my hair out and got into my pajammas. I was way too tired to tak emy makeup off. I hopped into bed with my phone by my side, I was getting non-stop texts from Twitter from everyone Tweeting. Not tweeting about their favorite boy band or what celeb got a haircut, who's dating who, no. None of that mattered at the moment. They were tweeting about Zombies, hashtagging  #Scared, #Worried, #Zombies and #IfIDieILove and tagging all their friends in it. I was too uneasy to tweet, text or call anyone back. We're all fucked.

I turned my phone to silent and closed my eyes. My bed felt more comfy than usual...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2012 ⏰

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