Chapter 8

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*Arianna's P.O.V.*

*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

My stupid alarm clock awoke me from my sleep. I groaned & smacked the alarm repeatedly so it would shut up. No luck. I shot & up unplugged the evil thing & it was silent.

Yes ! Sleep. I was almost asleep when Cameron burst into my room.

"Aria? Are you awake? "

Obviously not.

"Come on wake up , time for school."

Go away.

"Aria?!" He shouted .

I shoved my face into my pillow & groaned. " 5 more minutes. "

"Nooo come on get up , Paul is down there & I wanna leave as fast as possible !!"

I slowly got up & nodded , then shooed him away. I got up from my bed & went to the bathroom , I peed & brushed my teeth. When I looked in the mirror I saw a huge bruise on my cheek.

I gasped. I touched my cheek gently & flinched. Shit. I sighed & went to my closet to get a light blue wife beater & a gray hoodie with no zipper. I grabbed some light blue jeans & set aside my socks & my black converses.

I jumped in the shower & washed my hair. After I was done I got dressed & put some Concealer on my bruise but not a lot to make it look cakey. I did the best I could & it looked better than I first woke up.

I got some of my conditioner & did my hair but I decided to put it in a high pony tail. I grabbed my purse & my phone & went downstairs . Paul was in the living room & Cam was eating cereal on the counter.

"You ready Aria? " He asked hopefully.

"Uh Yeah let's go. "

Me & Cam walked out side to my car & I saw a note on my window.

'Sorry for yesterday , hope you can forgive me , you know how much I don't like it when you curse .'

-Paul. ;)

I crumpled it up & threw it into my book bag . A tear slid down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away before Cam could see. I jumped into the car & pulled off.

I drove to school & Cam told me he had to go for a team meeting so I let him go. I was on my way walking to my locker & I saw all my friends there.

"Heeeeey Ariaaa . Wasssssup?!" Jay said.

I laughed. "Uh Hey Jay. "

"Why you got your hood up gurl? Your inside !" Cici said.

"Oh I like it up." I said.

"Mmhm Okay . Well you wanna go to the mall with us after school?" Marie asked.

"Um I can't... I have to make up my detentions... Ive been skipping them. "

"Oh damn that sucks. What time does detention get out?" Vivi asked.

"Um 4:30 ."

"Oh maybe tomorrow?" Jay asked hopefully.

"Um maybe , I have to see how many detentions I have now. " I said sadly.

"Okay . Well let us know. " Marie said.


The bell rung & everyone left. Except for Jay. I gave her a questioning look.

"What? We have the same class so I figured we should walk together." She said.

"Oh yeaaah Okay. " I said as I grabbed my English notebook & closed my locker shut.

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