God Damn Scalpel

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Beto frantically paces back and forth in the hospital lobby. Since he was kicked out of Tedchibald's room he couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. He looked down at his hands to find them trembling uncontrollably. The image of Tedgustus in that sad little hospital bed pops into his mind. Something flashes in his brain, and he abruptly stops walking. He looks up to see the doctors and nurses chatting in a corner, and knows what he must do. Beto sprints down the hallway and bursts into Tedtholemew's room.

Tedford is not there.

Beto's anxiety increases as he races from room to room, crashing through door after door and surprising innocent hospital patients. Finally, he comes across a window. Peering through, he can see Tedmanuel laying helplessly on a cold surgery table. The harsh lights would make anyone else look atrocious, but of course Tedgory looks like an absolute angel laying there. Beto smiles softly, thinking of his hand touching Tedonardo's. One of the surgeons looks up and meets Beto's eyes. The door swings open, and the surgeon turns to face Beto. 

"Sir, can I help you?" He asks, removing his gloves. Beto snaps out of his stupor, and tears his gaze away from the window.

"Hi, yes I was wondering what you were doing with that man." Beto said in an accusatory tone, still angered by the fact Teduardo was taken without his knowledge. 

"We are preparing to perform surgery, sir. This man has serious damage. Are you related to the patient?" The surgeon asks.

"No, but he means a lot to me. I would like to know what is going on." Beto says defiantly, getting increasingly more upset.

"I understand sir. Come with me, I will take you into the operating room." He says, opening the door. Beto follows the surgeon into a little room where the man hands him scrubs and gloves. They then enter the operating room, where the doctors are scurrying frantically. "We are short a doctor." The surgeon says. "My name is Dr. Goodhead. Your husband here has serious brain damage, and we need to operate immediately. Would you be willing to pitch in and help our team perform the surgery? It would help a lot." 

Beto is so overcome with emotion, he doesn't even mention the surgeon's use of the term "husband". 

"I...I don't see what choice I have. While I have no medical experience, I am Beto O'Rourke, and I can accomplish anything." Beto slides on the rubber gloves and addresses the room. "Someone hand me a god damn scalpel." 

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