"Paradise, baby"

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"Wake up"

Louis' voice brings me out of my deep sleep, being woken up early and not having much sleep has meant I fell asleep after a few hours of being in the air. I stretch in my comfortable leather chair and sit up, looking out the window I'm greeted with the most beautiful sunset I've seen.

"How long have we been flying?" I yawn.

"About eight hours" he calmly stands and starts moving towards the door.

"What!? Eight hours!" I shoot up and quickly rush after him.

"Thank you for a lovely flight Orla and please thank Dave. I'll see you both on the flight back" Louis shakes the cabin crew hand and I'm guessing Dave must be the pilot. I give her a quick smile and follow louis down the stairs from his private plane. The heat hits me and I wonder where we are, I can smell the sea so that just be close by. On the airport run way is a waiting black car where someone is loading our suitcases up.

"Louis!" I whisper shout for some reason.

"Yeah?" He says as he opens the door for me.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Paradise, baby" he says as he ushers me into the car.

I wait for him to join me in the back and the driver starts driving out towards the exit of the airport. I stay silent for the car ride taking in the sights, the sun is mostly setting and I wonder what the time is.

"What's the time?" I look to Louis who then peeps into the front of the car to look at the clock on the dash board.

"Six" he bluntly replies.

Oh my god we've missed the whole of Christmas Eve! I've spent the whole day travelling to somewhere I have no idea. I look back out the window and take in everything I can see, Palm trees, the clear sky and the sea. We've got to be on an island somewhere.

The car comes to a stop and Louis thanks the driver as he opens the door. He's greeted by another man who is smartly dressed. Once I get out the car I smile to the man who is holding my suit case.

"Evening Miss" he nods his head.

"Good evening" I smile.

I look around and to my surprise I gasp at the sight in front of me. I watch the man wheel our suitcases up a ramp and on to the most luxurious boat I've ever seen, in fact I don't think I can call it a boat more like a ship.

"Impressive eh?" Louis smugly says.

With my mouth open I just nod at him, can he just pull anything off?

"This is Daisy's Dream" he slowly walks up the ramp grabbing my hand to follow.

"After Daisy?" I feel stupid asking the question.

"Yes I brought her about a month after she was born" he guides me on board.

"Wait. This is your boat" I gasp.

"Yes. But if you call it a boat again I may have to push you over board. This my darling is a yacht" he frowns at me.

"Sorry. Yacht" I repeat after him laughing.

The man on the end of the line // L.TWhere stories live. Discover now