"You infuriate me"

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Ella's POV

I wake up feeling sore and still tired after a really deep sleep. I roll over and come face to face with Louis, the love of my life. I smile and allow myself to feel all giddy, what did I do to deserve him. I actually can't think of my life without him now, it's been short, four months to be exact but it feels like he's been there from day one.

I watch him sleeping and his eyes flicker at whatever dream he's dreaming, his lip curls up slightly then relaxes. I roll onto my back and look up at the ceiling and over to the window, I forgot where I was and the glare bouncing off the sea from the hot sun makes my eyes squint. It Doesn't feel like Christmas, I realise I haven't spoken to Hayley at all she probably thinks I've gone missing or something. I'll have to message her once I've had breakfast and let her know I'm ok. I stretch and sit up, stopping in my tracks when I spot the mountain of presents at the end of the bed.

Oh my god, he's brought me presents! I can't help the tears spring into my eyes not at the fact he's thoughtful and I'm sure the gifts are wonderful but at the fact I've not brought him anything. How can I accept all this and not give anything in return.

I snap my head round to face him "Louis!" I shout which makes him jump, sitting bolt upright.

"Shit. What's the matter? What's happened?" He looks around the room in his tired daze.

"That!" I point over to the end of the bed. "What is all that?" I shake my finger in that direction.

"I can't believe you've brought me presents after I said I hadn't got you anything. You've made me feel fucking awful now. I haven't got you anything! Nothing and you've brought me here and brought them gifts!" I start crying.

"They are for the staff" he rubs his eyes and looks at me amused.

"Oh. I - I'm sorry" I stop crying and embarrassment covers my body. I close my hands around my face so he can't see the red colour I've become. How embarrassing for me to think everything evolves around me. I shake my head.

"I'm joking, of course they are for you, Merry Christmas Princess" Louis laughs as he gets out of bed.

Embarrassment had been taken over by anger now. "Louis!" I throw a pillow at him.

"Your face was a picture!"he laughs as he picks up a small present.

"Open this one first" he hands it to me.

"No! You're not funny, that was awful. And I don't want to open any of them. I'll open them when we get home and I've got you some presents" I fold my arms across my chest.

"Don't be a spoilt sport. Open the god damn presents. I don't want anything from you, I told you last night. Allow me to spoil you and shower you with gifts" he shoves the present on my lap.

I narrow my eyes at him and start unwrapping the gift.

In a lovely silver frame is a picture of me and Louis, it's a selfie we took while we were in Ibiza.

"Aww Louis this is lovely" I smile at the picture.

"It is, isn't it. Now come on I know you really want to jump over here and rip these presents open" he smirks.

He's right I do want to open them all, I can only imagine the things he's brought me and at the end of the day it's Christmas after all.

I jump off the bed and tackle him to the ground "You infuriate me" I kiss him and grab a present to open.

I hold up the beautiful Tiffany necklace and admire it, it's so sparkly and perfect.

I thank him after each present he's got me; perfume, make up, jewellery and clothes. A new Mac book and the brand new iPhone I can't contain my shock from all the expensive gifts.

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