Chapter 2|"Who does she remind you of?" Pt1

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{Please tell me if there is still their original names typed up rather then Y/n ,Damian ,F/n ,M/n ,G/F/n ,Athanasia ,Talia and Mara.}

Damian is 10 years old
Y/n is 8 years old

I will tell you when you are in human form or animal form
That will look like this:
(Human form)
(Animal form)

You can choose any of these dresses

(8 years later)

(Human form)
On the balcony where Y/n is playing at F/n's hand, gazing down over the side.
"Wow." Y/n said in amazement.
She giggles continuously, and F/n catches her as she comes near the edge of the balcony
"Whoah. Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" F/n said.
Y/n wriggles in F/n's grasp as he moves her to safety.
"Daddy! Let go!" She giggled as she tries to escape.
"Well, I just want you to be careful." He said to her.
She jumps after a butterfly; F/n step on little dress to pin her down.
"Y/n... are you listening? Accidents can happen. You could easily get hurt, or stepped--" he tried to say before she up interrupted him with her well- practiced line and finishes it for him.
"...Hurt, or stepped on, or even get lost." She said.
"And remember,... I want you to stay in sight of the Pride kingdom at all--" he says as if she doesn't know the rest but gets cut off again.
"At all times, I know. {She's testy at the repetitive warning; she continues reciting} And if I see any strangers, don't talk to them. Come straight home. Okay, okay. Can I go now? Please?"
M/n and Zazu enter. F/n exchanges a glance with M/n, reminiscent of when they played out this same scene as cubs.
"Hmm. Very funny." He said not a amused.
"{laughs gently}Mind your father, Y/n." M/n says.
"{giggles}Yes, mom." Y/n answers back.
"And stay away from the Outlands." F/n shouts behind her
"Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous Outsiders!" Zazu says
"Zazu's right... you can't turn your back on them." F/n carry's on.
Y/n leans in getting even more curious.
"Really? How come?"
"Mmm... never mind. Just run along now."
"But Dad, I--"
"You'll understand someday. Go on."
"Dad..." she continues.
He runs a hand over her head ,then nudges her off; she resumes giggling and runs off down the stairs to get dressed into a different outfit.

(You can choose whatever you want to wear.)

and off into the pride lands.
"And stay on the path I've marked for you!" He shouts to her.
"{chuckles} F/n. Who does she remind you of? Hmm?" M/n asked him.
"{cluelessly}Huh? What? Who?" He questioned back.
"She's just like you were when you were young."
"Exactly. Do you realize the dangers we put ourselves in?"
She tackles F/n and puts him on his back.
"You mean the dangers YOU put us in."
They chuckle and nuzzle for a few moments, then M/n gets up.
"She'll be fine."
She moves off. F/n waits till she is out of earshot.
"Hey, Timon. Pumbaa. Come here."
Timon entered on Pumbaa's back.
"Good morning, mon Capitan."
"I want you to keep a close watch on Y/n. You know she's bound to run off." F/n said knowing she's going to go off trail and find something else to do.
"No worries, F/n. We're on her like stink on a warthog!" Timon said to F/n.
"Hey!" Pumbaa shouts in a hurt tone.
"It's the hard truth, Pumbaa. Live with it." Timon said.
"Guys, I'm counting on you. Danger could be lurking behind every rock." F/n said.
Timon looks quizzically at F/n, then takes him mock-seriously.
"Ah hah. {He and Pumbaa begin looking theatrically from side to side, scanning behind every rock...}" Timon said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Out to the open savannah. Y/n is walking through the tall grass, chasing a butterfly.
"Hey! Wait! Come back! I just wanna play! {She sees the butterfly land, and crouches to attack} Ahhh... the mighty hunter has cornered her prey. {snarls} Errrrh!"
Y/n's pounce takes her up the side of a small rise, from which she can see a distance into the Outlands.
"Whoah... cool! The Outlands! I wonder what's out there..."
A rustling in the grass behind her draws Y/n's attention. She turns, and the grass separates.
"Eeeeek! {squeals of fright and surprise}" Y/n, pumbaa and Timon.
Y/n is frightened backwards, and falls off the far side of the knoll into a pool below. Pumbaa gets set to leap after her; Timon jumps off just as he throws himself into the pool.
"Oooh, don't worry, Y/n-- Uncle Pumbaa's comin'!"
"Oh, no... ohh... uh... uh... let's see, uh... {he goes in-character as though talking to F/n} Gee, F/n. The good news is, we found your daughter. The bad news is, we dropped a warthog on her. Is... there a problem with that?" He said imagining talking to F/n.
"{looking from side to side in the water} Y/n? Y/n?"
"Pumbaa! Let me define 'babysitting'!" He said using quotation mark when saying babysitting.

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