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Charlotte's POV:

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Charlotte's POV:

"Are you fucking crazy?!"

I flinch as Sweet Pea paces around his trailer. "I-I was just trying to help-"

"Help?! We didn't need your help Charlotte! We were doing fine!" He exclaims.

His words anger me.

"You didn't look 'fine' when Archie was beating the crap out of you!"

He stops pacing and just glares at me. "I was handling it. Do you know how much danger you put yourself in by doing that? What if somebody got to you before you shot the gun?"

I cross my arms over my chest. "They didn't though! I'm fine!"

He groans out of frustration. "But they could've! God, sometimes you can be so stupid!"

What he says makes me go silent. I hold back my tears so I don't seem so dramatic.

He's just mad, he didn't mean it.

Sweet Pea takes a deep breath. "Come on, I should take you home." He mumbles, grabbing his keys off the table.

I slowly nod and grab my coat before following him out the door.

When we reach my house, I spot Betty's bedroom light on and sigh in relief. I didn't know where she was during the fight. I was just hoping she wasn't anywhere near it.

"Thank you." I mumble and climb off of his bike.

I hear him sigh and he grabs my wrist before I can walk away. "Charlie...i'm sorry for earlier."

I shrug. "It's fine."

I turn to walk away but he wraps his arm around my waist, stopping me once again. "Please don't be mad at me."

I'm about to answer when the sound of my front door opening and closing is heard. I turn around and see Betty jogging towards me with a look of relief. "Lottie! Thank god you're okay." Her arms go around me for a tight hug. She must've heard about the big fight.

"Hi Betty." I whisper.

"Come on, let's go inside." She begins to pull me away. "You're lucky mom hasn't been home all day, otherwise you would've..." I stop listening and turn around to glance at Sweet Pea.

He's watching me with an emotion I can't read, so I quickly look away and walk inside.

"I know, i'm sorry Betty." I apologize. "Where were you and Jughead while that was going on?"

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