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"Good morning Presly." I hear as my doctor walks in with a plate of food. "Morning.." I mumbled as I'm barely awake. I look at my clock, crap it's already noon thirty! I never sleep in this late. The doctor sets the plate on my tray and walks out of the room. "Hah like in going to eat this!" I grab the tray and dump it into a empty grocery bag and hide it under my bed. I get into bag and find ankle weights. "Ah I forgot about these.." I slide them up to my thighs since now they are huge on my ankles. "Now they'll think I have gained weight."

The nurse comes in my room. "Okay Presly you know the drill." I stand up and step on to the scale. "105. you've gained weight, congratulations. You might weigh enough to go home. II'll talk to the doctor and he'll call your parents and see what we need to do." Hah yes she fell for it! now I can get back to dancing and working out with out people stalking me with every step I take! The nurse leaves the room. I take off my ankle weight'a and weigh my self again to see my actual weight since the doctor left the scale in here. "91" The scale read. So all I need is to loose maybe 5 more and then I'll see how I look.

My Mom and Dad walks in the room. "Presly I've missed you so much!" They both run up and give me a hug. The doctor walks in. "Okay Presly I have your eating schedule of how much you need to eat for everyday if the meal. You will be free to leave but you will have to come see me in a week to check on how you are doing." I gather my stuff together and sign myself out.

I've decided to go see Justin on a surprise visit since he lives close to my house. Him and I don't normally knock because we have known each other so long. I walk in his house and I walk in and there he is with another girl making out in his living room! "Presly I-I can explain!" Justin says nervously. Tears come running down my face. "Explain what? That when I was in a hospital trying to stay alive you've been hooking up with some other girl?!" I storm out side while Justin is following me. "Presly wait!" he comes and has his hand on my cheeks and leans ins to kiss me. I brutally slap his face. "How dare you? You can't cheat on me then kiss me so I think that everything is okay when it's not! We are threw!" I run back home crying my heart out, how can he do that to me, after everything I've been threw he has the nerves to do that! I go in my house and run strait to my room. I grab a market and write on my mirror on my wall. "You are disgusting fat and ugly NOBODY loves you! You. Deserve to DIE!!'

Sorry I rushed in this one because I have wrote in MONNTTHS but next chapter will be long and detailed I promise!!!!

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