"That's it get the torches"

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“And when you least expect it,” I whisper eerily, flashing the torch up at my face.

“BANG!” I shout suddenly as Sam jumps out of the bushes, scaring the rest of the girls as they scream and jump out of their seats. Me and Sam start laughing hysterically rolling on the ground.

“Oh my gosh you guys, you almost gave me a heart attack,” Perry complains, holding her hand to her chest, trying to regain her breath.

“You know that game gives me enough heart attacks as it is!,” Carly states, hands on hips.

“I wasn’t scared one bit, what are you talking about?” Grace shrugs shifting her eyes.

“Why? Why would you do such a thing,” Anna muffles into her hands, holding her face.

“No! Just No!” Izzie shakes her head.

“Waaaahhhh,” Taylah cries, rocking back and forth, holding her knee’s.

“I knew it, I knew you guys would do something like this,” Megan says, shaking her head.

“I seriously thought I was going to die,” Marleigh jokes, as she begins to laugh with us.

“And that, is how it’s done!” Sam concludes, trying to hold in her laughter.

These are the idiots I call my friends, they’re butter to my toast, the rain to my bow...

The ghetto to my booty. 

I know we shouldn’t joke about this kind of thing, but me and Sam just couldn’t help ourselves. So we invited the girls to camp out in this dark abandoned forrest, I know what you’re thinking. Why? Why would you chose a dark abandoned forrest to camp in, now you’re really going to die. But we needed the whole scenario to help us in scaring the girls, and I don’t know about you, but I think it worked out pretty well.

“Hazar! Samantha Jade, we have been triumphant in startling these girls.” I call, using the most posh voice I could manage. We both smile and share an air high five to each other from across the fire. 

“Well I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am now too scared to go to bed,” Carly announces,

saying what everyone else was probably thinking.

“Yeah, thanks guys gosh!” Taylah joins, using her dopey voice. 

“Haha, sucks to be you guys, because guess what?” Sam stop, leaving the question hang in the air for a couple of seconds. When I think no one is going to answer Megan sighs

“What?” She rolls her eyes

“I aint scared, I’m going to bed to have my peaceful sleep,” she continues

“ME TOO!” I yell, joining Sam

“Don’t let, Slendeeerrr get you,” I joke as me and Sam walk into the little four person tent. When we get into the tent we zip it up and get cuddled up in our sleeping bags, I look up at the top of the tent resting my hands underneath the back of my head.

“I wonder whether they’ll ever go to sleep now?” Sam giggles

Yeah,” I join, as my heavy eyelids slowly close over my eyes.

View of the girls

“Now that, was uncalled for,” Izzie says, breaking the silence.

“Agreed,” Perry joins.

“I think we should get them back,” Suggests Megan, smirking her evil smirk.

“AGREED!” Perry repeats, even louder, getting excited at the idea

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