"What are we gonna do?"

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"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" the bone chilling scream came from deeper within the forrest, stopping us in the middle of our hourly long argument and then, it was silent. Silence was something I hadn't heard in a while and I was starting to like it.

That was until another scream, a blood curdling scream emerged from back in the campfire direction. Our attention was shifted back towards where we once came from. After the next phase of silence we all looked at each other in confusion.

"What? How?" I ask, shaking my head. I take one more look at the group of girls and take off, leaving them behind.

"MADI WAIT!" They call, but I don't stop, again it's as if I'm being controlled. My feet take me through the forrest straight inside the tent and I am terrified by what I see. The pyjama top that was once on Sam was in the arms of him, the dark mysterious figure. He stands there facing me, reaching the top out toward me.

Again against my own will, I outstretch my arm to collect it. As my hand gets closer to his I feel a painful tingling sensation, but no matter how much I cringe I can't pull away. The closer I get the more it hurts and when my hand finally touched his a shock flows through me and I collapse onto the ground.

I watch in sheer horror as extra tentacle like arms slowly grow out of his tall lanky torso, reaching towards me. Again his hand brushes against my arm and a shock is sent through my body, I now start fitting uncontrollably. My eyes start fuzzing static black and white and after that was followed by total darkness. My mind plays through images of my past encounter with this strange man, it plays through the screams of Sam and finally the joke we played on the girls. The last thing that I see before I am put into a sleeping state is his blank faceless face.

View of Girls

"What? How?" Madi asked, and with that she took off

"MADI WAIT!" Anna yelled as all of the girls gave chase after her, at one point they almost got lost in the middle of the forest but in realisation made a late turn to find themselves back at their campsite.

"Madi?" Izzie asks, slowly walking towards the tent. The other girls didn't follow her in as instead they were in search of her elsewhere. Izzie slowly opened the tent flap and was frightened at the sight that lay in front of her, there on the sleeping bag of Madi's, was her scarf she was wearing. Like Sam's top it was torn and almost ragged into nothing.

But the thing that scared her most, what looked to be flesh lay wrapped inside it. As she got closer she could just make out what looked to be a finger, a white pale finger. Blood spattered along it and dripped off the fingertip onto her perfectly set out sleeping bag.

"MADI!" Izzie screamed, throwing her hands over her mouth to try and stop the vomit that threatened to flow out of her mouth. 

"What's wrong?" Asked Marleigh, giving Izzie a fright.

"I can't. I just can't," she cried, as she finally gave in and spewed all over the tent. She turned around to the rest of the girls that stand there concerned. All the colour had washed out of her face and the frightened look gave the girls the hint that she had not seen something very pretty. 

Carly slowly walked over and was straight back to the group of girls in an instant. 

"Yep, that's nasty," she complained, scrunching her face. Perry took a few steps towards it

"Perry I wouldn't....." Carly started

"OMG EW!" Perry gave a high pitched scream

"I tried to warn you," Carly told her.

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