What the Hell Am I?

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I slurped at the spaghetti and Ana flicked my nose.

“We’re not in Asia. Don’t slurp.” She scolded.

“But it’a tastes’a so’a good’a and the Italians dont’a cut their pasta!” I said in a bad Italian accent. My friends laughed while the teachers rolled their eyes. Storm and Logan had joined us in the kitchen, the Professor taking his dinner in his office and some ‘Hank’ not having time to eat. “I’ll take him some down later.” Storm had said.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” Crystal said, mother of us all. Ana and I both opened our full mouths at her and she rolled her eyes.

“Children.” She mumbled as we highfived.

“Look, Crys, I just spent a month in captivity with the worst parents on earth. I am going to be impossible for a while.” I said as I downed half a glass of Dr. Pepper. “Besides, how can I not be shovelling food in my mouth when it tastes like this?” I said. “You are the best cook, hands down, ever.” I said to Storm, mouth empty. She smiled and blushed.

“Thanks.” There were murmurs of agreement around the room and for a few minutes we just sort of ate. I was really hungry, and Pietro explained because of the energy we use for speed we need more carbs to do it. Consequently, we had a ‘who can eat more pasta’ contest. Pietro forfeited after his third plate and I smirked as I sat down with my fourth.

“Wimp.” I hissed as Crystal hugged her moping boyfriend. “Say, Scott, what’s with the lenses?” I asked pointing at my eyes.

“Oh. Um, it’s my power.”

“Sunglasses?” I asked in confusion and he chuckled.

“Nah. My eyes fire laser beams. Big, red and solar powered. I have a visor usually but otherwise I need these special glasses to reflect them back at my eyes so I don’t kill anyone.”

“Oh c-” I was about to speak when my eyes suddenly burned and everything turned red. there were screams as I looked around, my eyes burning and face warm. “What’s happening?!” I shouted. I put my hands up and rays of red light hit my hands. I screamed in pain and tried to cover my eyes. “Goddamn!” I screamed as I tried to squeeze my eyes shut. “Help me!” I screamed. I managed to squeeze my eyes shut and sat panting as the world went on around me.

“Holy shit.”

“What happened?”

“Logan, what’s goin’ on?”

“Are the students hurt?

“Someone find the Professor!”



“Pietro I’m fine.


“Where Guinevere?”

“GINNY!” Hands reached out and grabbed me. I whimpered as my eyes fluttered. I squeezed them shut tight and grabbed onto Ana’s arm.

“Ana, what’s happening to me?” I whimpered.

“I don’t know sweetie.” She said in a soft voice. “I don’t remember this ever happening.”

“I don’t either.” I said and someone placed something in my hand.

“Put these on.” Said a kind voice. Jean. I felt them and slipped on the glasses. I opened one eye and then the other. The world was red. Everything was there, but red with black outlines, like a children’s drawing. I looked at the huge hole in the wall, the ruined furniture and put a hand over my mouth, the other still gripping Ana’s arm.

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