I run underneath the moon, and they are closing in. Why they are hunting me, I do not know. But one thing I do know is they are not stopping. They are wolves. You would think from watching all the movies that vampires have super-speed. They don’t. It’s makes running for your life hard when you are barely just ahead of the wolves chasing you. They howled, and more came. Oh I am really done for now. Just a little farther Lexi, and whew I made it. I was able to get into the protective barrier but they start breaking it down, making it weaker and weaker. Finally they break through and the elders had already assembled the first and second groups of warriors. My fangs grew in unexpectedly and I had a hunger for their blood. But I cannot for I am yet to be a full-grown vampire, and also sadly my best friend and I have kissed and we are in love; but it cannot be as he is a were-wolf. Yeah I know it’s like all the movies but I could not help myself.

Goodness Lexi, really?

Yes now listen.


I was turned just a few days ago and he had always been a were-wolf, it ran in the family. My parents, dead, and I killed them. I had asked my aunt to drive a wooden stake through my heart but she said that after she lost me she would have no one that loved her. So I stayed but I ran. Deep into the forest, where I thought no one could find me alas, I was found. But by one of the elders. Here I’ll set the scene: A big circle of trees surrounds me and I glance ahead. There is a girl, about fifteen years old I guess. She walks forward and asks 

“Child, why do you run?”

“Because I am a monster, I killed my parents and I cannot bring myself to take my own life”

“Child, you are no monster, come with me, I can help you when you must feed again.” I nodded as we started towards the cave.

The battle had a lot of bloodshed. Everywhere I looked there was a wolf cornering a vampire, or a vampire’s fangs deeply embedded in a wolf’s throat. I had to ask the wolves where Tyler was but how could I without them killing me.


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