Chapter One

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Phineas doesn't think about love. It's not that he makes a concious effort to avoid the idea, but between building giant contraptions that defy the laws of physics and chasing the sun, there isn't any time to spare for thoughts like that. He wouldn't know love if it knocked on his door everyday to see what he was doing. This is why he's at a loss; for once, Phineas has no idea what to do.

For valentines day, his school is hosting a disco. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem - Phineas and the gang would go as a massive group to all those kinds of events and every time, it would be tons of fun, but this time, it's couples only and there is no way he's going stag. Everybody who is anybody has a date; Baljeet is going with Ginger; Ferb is taking Vanessa; even Buford has asked Gretchen in an interesting turn of events, but that's besides the point.

Being the end of January, a silvery frost still clings to the blades of grass and dusts the bare tree branches like icing sugar. Sheltered from the cold weather, the brothers sit at the kitchen table comparing blueprints, trying to decide between two different contraptions to build over the weekend. Ferb can tell his brother is distracted, but instead of pointing this out, he sighs, turning the paper up the right way for Phineas to read as he's been staring blankly at the inverted sketch for five minutes straight. Realising his mistake, he laughs half-heartedly, but continues to puzzle over his date situation (or lack thereof).

Admittedly, he doubts that all of the couples who are attending the dance are in love, but it still gets him thinking, who would he even like to ask? Whoever he takes would have to be a good match for him, but how can he figure out what qualities to look for? If only there was some numerical value or mathematical calculation he could complete to choose a girl...

Suddenly, inspiration strikes - maybe there is. What if he could devise an algorithm for locating his most compatable partner for the disco. He starts to plot out initial schematics in his brain and jots down some hasty calculations before turning to Ferb.

"Hey Ferb! I know what we're gonna do today!"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you did, don't be a silent reader! Thanks to my beta midnightpansy!

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