Orga x Rufus - Mistletoe

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Me: Welcome back guys! This one has been requested by JuliaVeronik8 and while I'm not a huge fan of this ship, I did my best!

Erza: Where were you?

Me: Huh? What do you mean?

Rogue: You promised to update more often yet you left us.

Natsu: There's been no Author-chan to bring me to existence!

Lucy: We missed you, Author-chan.

Me: Okay guys, I have a lot of expkaining to do. I know I promised to write more but... I really had no clue what to write. And after a month of no writing I got continuously worried of what to add until... well, until I left for a long while. And I know it wasn't ideal but I'm here now and I'll try to do my best.

Sting: ...

Natsu: ...

Lucy: ...

Gray: ...

Erza: ...We accept your apology. But you had better be committed to this Author-chan.

Me: I will.

Me: *looks to audience* And I'm really sorry to all of you who looked forward to my content. Hopefully, I can continue to impress you.

Natsu: Now I got a fire in my belly!

Me: Yeah, let's do this!


If there was one thing to note about Rufus it would be that he was a planner. No matter what it was, he would plan every event to the tiniest detail.

His magic? Planned. His guild? Planned. How he conducted himself? Planned. Even his outfit was always planned for the night.

His unrequited crush on Orga? Well, that was a bit unexpected.

He hadn't really meant to fall for the Lightning God Slayer. While Jiemma was running the Sabertooth Guild, Rufus had learnt to think of his fellow guildmates and nothing more than obstacles he needed to overface. And yet, his stoic expression always cracked around the green giant - even if slightly.

"Uh, Rufus? Are you okay?" A soft voice pulled him out of his thoughts. After turning around, he discovered Yukino looking at him, concern fillig her eyes.

A moment's hesitation passed before Rufus decided to nod. He didn't want to worry any of his friends, not while they were at the Christmas Party generously hosted by Sting.

A sly smirk crossed the whitette's face for a brief moment. "You sure that you're not just thinking about your crush~" Yukino chirped back in a sing-song tone.

"Orga is not my crush."

"Well, I never said anything about Orga."

"..." Rufus decided to not reply and instead stare at the empty cup that lay in his hand.

Yukino let out a soft sigh. Suddenly - and if one was to blink, they might have missed it - a glimmer shone in her eyes mischeviously. "By the way," she began, "I need to bring this CD back to Orga. Since you're not doing anything, would you mind doing it instead?"

Rufus stared hard at her, wondering if he could figure out her true intent. Nevertheless, he sighed and gave a curt nod in return.

Yukino smiled and handed him a CD case with "Top Hits of the Year" scribbled in marker. "Tell him I said thanks!" She quickly added as Rufus began making his way to Orga.

That is, if he knew where he was. Rufus had been too busy in his own little world he had no idea where the God Sayer might be. The first place would be the DJ table: a quick check proved that wrong. Next was the dance floor. Again, he found himself wrong. Finally, he decided to head for the snacks.

His luck seemed to have appeared as he noticed the giant having an amiable comversation with Sting. After a few seconds of simply obeserving them, he approached the duo.

"Hello, Sting. Orga, Yukino requested me to return this CD to you. She said that she was grateful for it," Rufus quickly said as he handed the CD over.

At his presence, Orga seemed to light up. "Aww, thanks! Tell her she can always borrow 'em when needed," he cheerfully replied.

Rufus directed his attention towarsa Sting, who seemed to be holding back his laughter. "Is something the matter, Sting?"

At his voice, Sting turned towards Rufus. Wordlessly, he pointed to the ceiling. Rufus decided to look up...and instantly regreted his decision.

A single piece of mistletoe.

"Well, I did not see that while coming here," Rufus quietly admitted to himself.

"So you two gonna kiss or what?" Sting chipped in, adding more embarrasement to the situation.

Orga turned to face Rufus. Has the blond ever mentioned how handsome Orga was? Because Orga was very handsome.

"You don't have to do it if you don't wanna," Orga quietly reminded.

Before his brain could even comprehend the fact that he was about to kiss his crush, his mouth started moving on its own. "No, we must uphold tradition."

After that, both males leaned in and firmly planted their lips onto each other.

It wasn't a long kiss; it only lasted a second. Yet Rufus felt his heart explode and his face flushing. It was a miracle he could even stand straight.

"...Well, that wasn't too bad. Was it?" The God Slayer broke the silence with his voice.

If the blond could agree, he would have. However, his body had other ideas as he sprinted towards thw nearest exit.

Dashing into the crisp clear night, Rufus leaned against the door. Focusig all his attention on breathing exercises, he felt his heart slow down after all the excitement.

He would Orga he liked the kiss later. For now, it would be best for him to take a breather.


Me: Well?

Lucy: You still got it, Author-chan!

Erza: *nods* Agreed. It only you could pay more attention to your other stories.

Sting: Eh, don't worry too much. She shouldn't have to feel obliged to do anything.

Sting: *whispers* Although I would like certain stories to be updated soon.

Gray: Hmm, I wonder what's next.

Me: Actually, I was considerig somthing. Maybe I could get your input.

Everyone: ?????

Me: I was just thinking, maybe one day I can open this book for other fandoms. You know, for other ships I adore.

Lucy: That's not a bad idea.

Rogue: Branching your work can help keep things fresh.

Natsu: I don't really care either way.

Me: *faces audience* Well, it's up to you guys. What would be your opinion? And please let me know if you enjoyed this one-shot!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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