Stingue - Comfort

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Me: This one shot is dedicated to YellowMeerkat , and this is just personal thank you for always supporting my works. You're awesome!

Lucy: Thank you!

Natsu and Gray: *stops fighting* Thanks

Erza: Thank you very much.

Sting: Thanks!

Rogue: *mumbles something along the line of a thank you*

Me: Wait, when did you two get here?

Sting: Hush Author-chan, don't question these things.

Rogue: Natsu called us over with your communication lacrima.

Me: Oh, did he?

Natsu: *sweats bullets*

Me: I'll deal with you later, on with the story!


{Sting's POV}

I paced around the apartment Rogue and I shared in frustration. My palms were getting sweaty as every minute ticked by on the oak clock hanging on the wall. My eyes trailed to Lector and Frosch perched on the edge of my bed, their expressions filled with worry.

A loud sigh of pended up anger escaped my lips and filled the tense atmosphere in the room.

Rogue should be back by now! I found myself repeating the same sentence over and over in my head, like I was brainwashed or something.

Let me explain to you guys at home what's going on. Five days ago in the Sabertooth guild, Rogue decided that he needed to test his skills and took a solo mission. That mission was relatively easy; defeat a monster that was terrorizing a local village. He returned from he job earlier on this morning but was shortly called into Master Jiemma's office. He's been in there all day.

If that bastard even thought of touching my Rogue, I'll make him pay one day! All anger emptied my mind as I thought of Rogue.

He could do that to me; make me forget all the troubles in the world without a second thought. God, I really hope he's okay...

My thoughts were interrupted when a gentle knocking filled the room. Using my Dragon senses, I was able to sniff out Rogue's scent and rushed to the door. I unlocked the oak door as quickly as I could and yanked it wide open. My heart momentarily stopped.

Just as I predicted, Rogue was on the other side of the door. What I didn't expect however, was the freshly made injuries that covered his snowy white skin. A black eye was forming under the curtain of hair he used to cover his handsome face; cuts and bruises were a prominent feature over his body. He seemed to be putting all of his body weight on his left side as his right ankle was in no good shape for walking.

I felt the tears sting my eyes as they began to well up at the sight of my partner in this state. Before he could collapse from exhaustion, I ran over to his side. The Shadow mage wrapped one of his arms around my neck as he hobbled over to our bedroom.

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